Sunday, February 12, 2012

What does poison ivy look like?

I have a vine in my plants, it has three leaves,purple flowers (small), and very shiny bright green rounded berries. Is it poison ivy or oak or something, or is it harmless?

What does poison ivy look like?
I've never known poison ivy to have purple flowers, too, I think the berries are red (though that may be in the fall). The identifying characteristic is whether the vine has "whiskers" that hang off of it, especially in the first 2 or 3 feet where it comes up from the ground. That will be THE clincher.
Reply:hi,,,,rule of thumb,,,,,, if it has 3,, leave it be........
Reply:That doesn't sound like poisen ivy at all. Poisen ivy does have three leaves, some are smooth, and some are jagged, though it does not have a flower. The new leaves are red, and 'pretty', but also very shiny showing off their evil oil. The stalk resembles a tree trunk, except that it is crooked. The vines which attach themselves to trees and things, have brown like hairs on the vine.

What you have described sounds more like 'Night Shade' and is highly toxic. If you touch it with your bare hands, then rubb your eyes, nose, or mouth, you will become extremely ill. It has been known to kill small children. Personally, I'd hire a pro. to get rid of it.
Reply:It sounds like nightshade to me too. Some varieties of nightshade are more poisonous than others. It probably won't hurt you to touch it - just don't eat the berries!
Reply:sounds like night shade to me.... extremely invasive will take over what ever its growing on... in ... or around...... if you like it leave it there just don't eat it..... poison

if you hate it kill it... good luck though its hard to get rid of..... i use round up concentrate but i mix it a bit heavy usually takes two or three treatments

good luck
Reply:i do not kno
Reply:Hard to tell without pictures. I have pokeweed growing all over my land. It has very shiny leaves and gets real tall real fast. It has spikes of purple berries that start of white and small, turn green then purple the size of blueberries. Its poisonous and could kill a small child if they ate the berries. I pull it up but it keeps coming back.
Reply:I don't think it's poison ivy because it has yellowish flowers -- not purple.

It could be poison oak. You should do more research on the internet .. here are some websites. I really enjoyed taking the "poison ivy quiz." there is a fantastic description of poison oak on the other website.

movie theatre

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