Saturday, February 11, 2012

Help...poison ivy!?

I have poison ivy spread around on my ankles,and i was wonderin how to get rid of them,or make them better. A couple of spots have blister looking bubbles,what should i put on them to make them go down?

Help...poison ivy!?
you cannot avoid blister looking bubbles, but, you can put aloe vera gel, it'll soothe them. there might be scars when blisters dried, try banana, rub the scars with inner peel of bananas.
Reply:Poison ivy comes off the waxy leaf and can be spread by it being oily. That is why you can catch it from a dogs fur. Start by washing very thoroughly to make sure all the plant's oil is off your skin. It is a myth that scratching spreads it [ unless you leave oil on your skin]. Then get ready to suffer. If you are getting blisters you are more allergic than others or got more on your skin or both. All the home remedy's never have helped me. I usually end up at the doctors getting prednisone. Benydryl would be the most effective over the counter med. NEVER EVER burn it. You can get poisen ivy in the lungs if you breathe the smoke
Reply:My daughter had poison ivy, and I had the doctor examine her. Take Benadryll pills , It'll block the itch, and make you sleepy! Benadryll hydrocortizone cream. 1% if you also take the pills, you don't want to overdose on the hydrochloride. He also prescribed her some lotion that soothes the skin. It's called SARNA Anti-itch lotion. It's over the counter. If you can't get that then buy some peppermint lotion. It's usually a foot lotion. It will soothe the itch. That'll help a little, until it's completely gone. You'll have to wait for it to run it's course. Doc said it don't spread like some people believe. It just takes longer to irritate your skin in certain places, giving the appearance of it spreading. Don't forget to wash the clothes you was wearing that day separately, and several times before wearing again. You don't want to get it all over again!!
Reply:Zanfel. It's not cheap, but it really works in 30 seconds.
Reply:calamine lotion

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