Sunday, February 12, 2012

Can i get rid of poison ivy?

Look, I got poison ivy 5 times last year and now I have it again. I hate needles, but I'm willing to get a shot if there is one that will get rid of my poison ivy. Is there even a shot out there? And if there is, can I get it at the regular doctor's office.

Can i get rid of poison ivy?
all you have to do is buy the special cream at the store and it will go away in no time
Reply:I don't think there's a shot or anything available to prevent it. I believe they have tried different ways to desensitize people to it but I don't think they've had much success. If you get it bad enough they can give you corticosteroids in shot or pill form which will greatly reduce the itching, burning and swelling. You have to find the source of it. Make sure you know exactly what poison ivy/oak/sumac looks like in your area. If you think you've been exposed shower with a grease-dissolving soap such as Dawn. Also wash all clothes and anything that may have come into contact with the plants. Remember your shoes! Alot of people forget to wash off their shoes which can be covered with the oil and will get transmitted to your hands every time you put them on or take them off. If you have pets, such as a dog or cat, that spend time outside they can get the oil on their fur and transfer it to you when you touch them.
Reply:In iraq, when the men get posion ivy, and there in medication available they put toothpase on it. They all claim it works. Aloe is also good for positon ivy, so is swimming in a pool with cholorine. Hope this helps.

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