Saturday, February 11, 2012

For an Ivy League College, are you only as good as your weakest subject?

I'm doing pretty well in school, but I've always had a problem with social studies. I usually find it somewhat interesting, but not to the point of doing my own research, finding out more, and actually remembering things..

My average for the course I'm taking now (AP European History) may be uncharacteristically low (when compared to my other grades.) Do Ivy League colleges and such place heavy weight on every course and every subject? It's realllly stressing me out.

For an Ivy League College, are you only as good as your weakest subject?
No, if they see that you are strugglising with ONE subject they will not put too much stress on it. However, notice how i said one, if you are starting to be the same way in lets say 3 or 4 subjects then yes there will be a problem. If your GPA is not sinking then ur fine. in other words, if history is not bringing down ur overall GPA too much then your good and as long as it is over 3.8 you have a shot.
Reply:Ivy League universities look for things that set you apart.

Speaking from experience, I wasn't first in my class, and was never good in my English courses, but I was very good at math and science.

My SAT reading and writing scores were average, but my math score was high...

and I got into an Ivy League university. (Grades aren't everything though. Remember that... because they aren't why I'm here. Community service, leadership, essays, recommendation letters, and the things outside of the classroom are a large part of the "package")


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