Saturday, February 11, 2012

Admission and Advantages in attending Ivy League?

I am a high school freshman and I am seriously considering attending one of our nations ivy leagues (specificly Columbia in New York).

I heard that gpa, extracurricular activites, and being a minority aids in admission. is that true?

I have a cumulative gpa of 3.7 a curruent gpa of 4.1

I am in 3 extracurricluar activites and I am a minority. What else can I do to improve my chances of going to Columbia?

And what are the advantages of Ivy Universities?


Admission and Advantages in attending Ivy League?
Ooh, that's a little tough. I'm a freshman in high school to, and I would definently stock up on my extracurriculars if I were you. Do some sports (doesn't matter if you're good or not, colleges don't care), music (I do band, choir and orchestra), join the speech and debate team (colleges love debaters!), act in some plays, go into the school newspaper, join other clubs for more award opportunities...and grab every opportunity you have! should improve that. My school uses a 4.0 scale and 70% of the students have 4.0s. Now...think of all the schools in the country. Lots of talented people, huh?

Be sure to win an award! This girl I know won an award (the Intel Science blah, best science award in the US) had a 3.5 and she made it into HARVARD. She was ranked 40th in her class, but just becuase o f that award, she made it into Harvard.

Ivys...I want to go to one too, but you should know that they have VERY high expectations. That's a bad part. But if you wanna be successful in life, go to an Ivy.

DON'T believe they don't count freshman year. They count EVERY year, starting from 9th grade. It's very important that you keep your grades in top shape. Trust me, I've asked a Yale Dean and he said that freshman year counts.

Hopefully I've helped!!
Reply:The diversity that an Ivy League school seeks is not only an ethnic or racial minority. Each school wants a class that reflects diversity in socioeconomics, race, state/international, strengths (such as sports or debate) and many many other factors.

Yes, a very high GPA, very high SAT scores and extracurriculars showing leadership gives you a chance, but many people who are turned down by Ivies are often as qualified as some who are admitted--it comes down to numbers.

Do well in school, investigate the strengths of schools and be very clear about what you are seeking in your college experience--do you want foreign languages, a semester abroad, a great science program, a killer writing program? Not all Ivies do well in all areas! While the alumni network is awesome (I went to Columbia graduate school), cast you net wide and the right school will accept YOU.

An aside: Stanford, Berkeley and UCLA are all not "Ivies" but are nationally ranked.
Reply:First of all, Ivy league does not count freshman year at ALL

Being a minority DOES aid in admissions

Talk to people there and get to know them

The OBVIOUS advantages of Ivy schools is the NAME...

when someone sees you're from Columbia... ooooooooo

yeah, that gets you places

Another thing you can do is apply Early Decision if you really really KNOW that you want to go to Columbia

BUT... you can only apply early to one school

if you get accepted in Early Decision, you HAVE TO go there

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