Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How does poison ivy keep spreading once you've already got it?

So it bubbles and the bubbling keeps getting bigger, but is that because the poison ivy chemical is still on the surface of the skin, or does it come back out of the already inflamed part?

How does poison ivy keep spreading once you've already got it?
If the rash seems to be spreading, there could be a few explanations:

- Your skin absorbs the oils from the ivy at different rates. You may see the rash begin to appear in different places as the oils are able to penetrate the skin.

- The oils may have gotten on some surface that you continue to come into contact with. For example, a pet, your clothes, a towel. You need to clean any materials that might have come into contact with the oils to prevent further exposure.

- The oils may have attached to your soap. If you used bar soap after you were exposed to the oils, the oils may have attached themselves to the soap. Everytime you wash with that soap, you can expose yourself again. Throw away your bar soap and use liquid soap to wash.

The rash won't spread because your scratch, but the itch can be hard to handle. I've found Benadryl is very effective in drying the rash and calming the itch. Other people use Calamine lotion. It can also be be helpful to dry the rash out by spending some time in the sun. Just be sure to read all of the warnings on the labels if you are going to treat your rash with lotions. It's hard, I know, but it will end in a few days. Good luck!
Reply:This link might be of help to you

Reply:contrary to popular belief if u burst a posion ivy blister it does not cause it to spread. It adsorbs through the first and second layer of skin and the inflammation process (heat and swelling or blisters) cause it to spread. The best defense is to wash the area thoroughly after exposure. If it is too late for that then use a drying agent like calamine, benadryl lotion, lye soap.
Reply:the oils in poison ivy are tenacious and will stay on your skin for several hours or even days and if you touch other parts of your body then that area will also react. if you think you have contacted it immediately go and wash the area really good with soap and water...and keep calamine lotion in stock.
Reply:Poison Ivy is by far the most common cause of this allergic skin reaction. The entire plant, except the pollen, is toxic throughout the year, even during the winter months when the branches and stems are leafless.

Contact dermatitis simply means that something has been applied to the skin which has caused the skin to react to it. An initial exposure is necessary to "sensitize" the patient; In other words, you get "one free pass". A subsequent exposure will result in an allergic reaction if the plant oil remains in contact with the skin for as little as 10 to 15 miniutes. The resulting rash begins after a 12 to 48 hour delay and persists for about two weeks up to four weeks or longer.

The resulting rash can range from mildly unpleasant to a true emergency with intense swelling, blistering, and oozing. With even a moderate case the itching can seem unbearable

The best thing to do if you know you've been exposed to poison ivy / oak / sumac is to wash your skin immediately with rubbing alcohol (or Tecnu), in which the resin is soluble. Beer or other beverages containing alcohol will help to dissolve the resin if rubbing alcohol is not available. Soap works, but not as well. If the oil has been on the skin for less than six hours, a thorough cleansing with strong soap, repeated three times, may lessen or even prevent a reaction.

If you do wash with soap, make sure you do it in the shower so the resin is washed down the drain, not deposited in a slick on the sides of the tub to spread to others. If you can wash the area with plain cold water within a few hours of being exposed you may be able to remove a lot of the urushiol. Use a LOT of COLD water. Be aware that the water is simply spreading the oil around; the idea is to use enough water to wash all of the oil from your body.

Do not use hot water which can open your pores to the oil.

The resin is absorbed quickly into the skin. If the oil is on your skin for as little as ten to fifteen minutes, it can lead to an allergic reaction. The eruption is characterized by redness, papules (bumps), vesicles (blisters) and linear ("in a line") streaking. Mild cases can last 5 to 12 days. More severe cases can last up to 30 days or longer.

The eruption usually appears within two or three days but may occur within eight hours. The eruption rarely is delayed longer than ten days.

Once the rash appears, the original oil has all bonded to the victim's skin, so it can't be spread to others.

Contrary to popular belief, the fluid in the vesicles or blisters is not allergic and will not spread the rash. The blisters are the body's natural allergic reaction to poison oak and poison ivy. If the blisters break and ooze, the fluid does not contain the oils that cause spreading. The rash will frequently break out in stages and continue spreading for the first 1 or 2 days.

If new areas of rash appear after 3 days, you are probably getting re-exposed to the plant oils, most likely from contaminated clothing, tools, or even your cat or dog (their fur protects them but can harbor the oil for a prolonged period of time). As mentioned above, the resin will remain on any exposed (but uncleaned) objects such as clothing or equipment. If you put on your exposed shoes a week later, you can wipe the resin from your shoes onto your face or other areas.

Interestingly, the urushiol can be vaporized when exposed to a fire. If you have a neighbor who is burning poison ivy, the resin will rise with the smoke. If you are downwind when the resin cools off and rains back down to earth, you could receive a coat of urushiol on any uncovered areas resulting in a surprise case of poison ivy.

Under no circumstances should you burn the plant; the smoke is as potent as the plant itself. Inhaling the smoke can produce a systemic reaction, including potentially serious, and life-threatening, lung inflammation.

Most of the treatments are aimed at reducing the itching until the self-limited rash runs its course, which takes about two weeks. Since easing the itching is the important result, trial and error works very well. If one of these suggestions seems to work, by all means, stick with it. If it's not working or seems to worsen things….please stop.

Never break the blisters! An open blister can easily become infected and lead to blood poisoning. If the blisters break, cover loosely with a sterile bandage. In severe cases, see your doctor.

Most people find that cool compresses in one form or another are quite soothing. Try using a towel or wash cloth soaked in either plain tap water, Epson salt water (up to about 2 tablespoons of salt per cup, stir until the salt dissolves) or Burow's Solution (an astringent solution -- you can make it yourself using Domeboro tablets or powder--available over-the-counter). This can help relieve the intense itching and remove any dry crust that has formed as a result of the rash. Let the water dry on the area, leaving a salt dust covering. Do this a couple of times a day (or more).

A fan blowing over the cool compress will diminish some of the heat of the itching and help to dry up some of the ooze coming from the rash. As the skin is cooling, the blood vessels compress and that cuts down on the itching and the new ooze. This is especially good during the two or three worst days of the rash. Along the same lines, some dermatologists recommend rubbing an ice cube gently over the rash several times a day, then letting the skin air dry. Soaking in a tub, particularly using an oatmeal bath such as Aveeno, can also be very soothing to the itch. Be sure the bath is cool or lukewarm -- but not hot -- as heat tends to make the rash even more inflamed. (I'm aware that some people maintain that a VERY hot shower can dull the pain and relieve some itching. I, personally, do not recommend heat therapy for Poison Ivy).

After cooling your skin (using any of the forms mentioned above) coat the rash with a lotion such as Calamine. This continues to help relieve the itching and dry up the blisters. Be sure to check the expiration date on an old calamine bottle in your medicine cabinet, since it may not be effective after the expiration date. Calamine may not seem to do much, in some cases, but I don't think it will hurt anything and is worth a try in the early stages.

Be sure the lotion does not contain benzocaine, zirconium, or a topical antihistamine, such as Benadryl (which is in Caladryl). These can actually make the rash worse by producing their own allergic reactions when applied to already sensitive skin.

Smearing on 1% hydrocortisone cream (available over-the-counter without prescription) may give some relief, but is nowhere nearly as effective as the potent topical corticosteroid preparations available from your physician by prescription. These can help suppress the itching and give temporary relief, but do little to hasten the drying up of the rash.

Special Note: For on-the-trail treatment and prevention you can't beat nature's own remedy, jewelweed. The Native Americans used Jewelweed. It is usually found in moist, shaded areas and is identified by it's waxy leaves. After a rain or heavy dew, water beads up on the waxy leaves and looks like jewels. It's almost always found close to ivy, so it's usually availible when you need it. Crush a few leaves and stems and rub them on your skin, or crush and soak in water for a larger amount. You can also put a mess of jewelweed in a large glass container and make a "sun tea" out of it to use as a compress (not to be taken internally) to help soothe the eruption if it develops.


Benadryl is available over-the-counter without prescription and can help with the itching. Taking Benadryl at nighttime will make most people drowsy and help them sleep through the night without itching. Again, don't use Benadryl cream or spray topically, because this can cause its own reaction. Several other antihistamines (Atarax? , Periactin? , etc.) are available by prescription when you see your doctor and may be more effective than over-the-counter products.

my mom helped me answer this and my mom also had to help my dad with it he loved camping
Reply:you must be scratching it if it is doing this

Comm college to Ivy League--possible?

I graduated from a high school in a poor country in Asia. I have spent only 1 year in American high school and became a valedictorian of 4.0 GPA. [I have only two honor courses in high school here]

I just finished the first semester at a community college. I took five transferable courses with a total of 18 units. [two college honor courses]. My college GPA is 4.0.

I have been volunteering in a hospital. media director of pre-med club. secretary of a science club. volunteer every weekend in the health fair sponsored by CVS Pharmacy. These are all my activities in college. I don't play neither sport nor music.

I have only 1770 SAT score.

Do I have chance to get into the Ivy schools? I am applying for next semester.

What is your advice?

Comm college to Ivy League--possible?

Because of the desire of Ivy league schools to have multi-culturally diverse student populations and your outstanding grades and community service, then you have a chance.

You will need to write a really great personal statement with your admission. You should also narrow it down to a few certain schools and attempt to get Letters of recommendation from alumnus of those schools. The alumni calling the admissions officers on your behalf will help. The administrations like to keep their prominent alumni happy.

The SAT needs some serious work. Buy a prep course workbook at the bookstore and do it religiously. Your SAT score needs the most work, in fact, sacrifice some of the volunteer stuff for SAT prep work. That is the most serious obstacle standing in your way. The non-traditional educational background, just makes your story better and your admission more appealing. But, your standardized test scores will prevent your admission. You need to radically increase your scores.
Reply:No you don't. Give up on Ivy league schools and work on finding a school that more realistically works for you.


Need help with a bad poison ivy rash. Got any advice?

i was out in the yard, and ONE damn little ivy leaf touched my hand, my finger. later on i scratched and thats where it spread to my arms. Heres the worst part, i forgot i had the poison on my finger.........and i had to go.........piss. Now i have a bad, BAD rash. All over my chest, my arms, thighs, and my......how should i say it........my package. Its extremely painful, extremely itchy, im miserable because of it and i hope no other man has to go through what im goin through. Does anybody know ANYTHING that i can do to get rid of this poison ivy rash fast and relieve the itch and pain. ANYTHING??? please help me, im miserable and im suffering. (Imagine a mosquito bite, 10 times stronger and everytime you scratch you get a second of relief then extreme pain, on your wang, all day everyday. I cant even get any sleep) Thanks for any advice.

Need help with a bad poison ivy rash. Got any advice?
Take some benadryl and then use some regular like anti-itch cream. If it gets really bad go to the doctor and they will give you a shot for it. Especially cause it is down there, and another thing DON'T SCRATCH.

If you would have washed the poison ivy oil off right away you wouldn't have gotten it. Any time you think that you have come in contact with it go wash your self with hot water and dish soap.

Also they have oatmeal bath packets that Aveno makes especially for poison ivy and stuff like that. I would go and get some it really helps that away that itch.
Reply:do to the ER, they will give you a shot of decodron, within about 10-15 minutes the itching and pain will stop and in about 2 days the rash will clear up. That is my best advice. The decodron works wonders.
Reply:I've had a extreme case of poision ivy.....in fact it was so bad I cant even be around poison lvy when it's merely pollenating. Because it got into my blood stream.

I used Sunlight dish soap. Wash with it constantly. What happens is.....a oil from the plant gets on your skin, you sratch and this oil spreads everywhere!!!!!!!

Sunlight will help a lot but unfortunaly you'll have to go through so discomfort and time will heal it.

Do you think ivy will winter well in large planters or should I bring it into the basement for the winter?

I have the ivy in large 1/2 barrel planters. I live in zone 5.

Do you think ivy will winter well in large planters or should I bring it into the basement for the winter?
I also live in zone 5…

I have had no success with ivy surviving in containers over the winter.

I suggest that you either move your ivy into the ground for winter or take your containers into a warmer place to go dormant over the winter. (Such as a garage or porch that remains that doesn’t drop below 30 degrees.)

I have success with placing containers by my dryer vent.

The warm air coming from the dryer vent seems to save roots from freezing over the winter in containers.
Reply:Ivy will survive most winters.... it is very hardy and also spreads quick so trim it to keep under control
Reply:Hi, my name is Eunice Saunders and I know the answer to your question. Ivy is very hardy and can winter very well out doors in any zone...except maybe Alaska. I would mulch the Ivy with leaves if you expect a really cold snap. I used to bury my Ivy planters (put the pots in the ground up to the rim.) This works very well if you are in a very cold Climate and it will also give you some new starters or runners in the spring when you dig your planters out. I would not bring them in for the winter as it creates weaker plants that can't stand weather changes. But you can bring them in if you like. Just remember to gradually bring them in and then gradually take them out in the spring. Good Luck! Visit my web site: http://agentsaunders.listingbook.com
Reply:I would put it where it can can some sun, cut it back hard. Or, you can take cuttings and start over.
Reply:Hi Susan,

I live in The Great White North where it drops to 40 below zero. The ivy weathers the winter outside with no problem.

Reply:Being in the UK, I have no idea what zone 5 is.

However, unless you have some rare tropical species of ivy, it should overwinter outside fine - ivy is a native to this country (the UK) and can be found growing up ruined buildings all across the country, including the far north of Scotland. Most, if not all, species of ivy are frost hardy, but if in doubt, check to see if there is ivy growing outdoors in your neighbourhood. If there is, you should have no problem.

Are there any ivy league university in america that allow my guard dog in their dorms?

Are there any ivy league university in america that allow my guard dog in their dorms?

i got a dog from this website so they are very obedient but attack on command.


Are there any ivy league university in america that allow my guard dog in their dorms?
why do you need a guard dog?
Reply:I'm afraid if you want to keep your dog, you'll have to look into renting an apartment or a room in a house off-campus. Dogs (and pets in general) are not allowed in university dorms for sanitary reasons. When I was in school, some girls on my floor kept a cat in their room and were thrown out of the dorms.
Reply:Tell them that it's a "service animal". (like Seeing Eye Dogs, or Dogs for the Deaf.) You have to have proof of training, but if you can prove the need for it, they can't deny you.
Reply:all of the ivy's will let your dog in... just tell them that he is a seeing eye dog. they are too p.c. to give you a hard time
Reply:Not likely...
Reply:If your smart enough to go to an Ivy League University, I would think you'd be smart enough to figure this one out. Why do you need a guard dog while at an Ivy League University? Just wondering?

When having posion ivy ,is wearing pants bad?

I have had posion ivy for 1 week now and it had almost passed,i wore pants out and to bed which may have caused it to spread

When having posion ivy ,is wearing pants bad?
Wearing pants is fine. The affected areas are from exposure to the plant. You can't make the blisters spread. The skin only reacts to the oil from the plant. The irritation is actually your body's allergic reaction to the plant oils. Unlike common thought, you can't catch poison ivy from touching someone who has it.


Transferring to an Ivy league school questions?

I know that transferring into the Ivy league is extremely challenging, considering the minimal amount of acceptances they admit per year. My question is whether it would be more advantageous to take 3 SAT II subjects or not. I know that they are not required for transfer students in most schools, but I would appreciate hearing from someone who really knows. I'm not sure whether I should concentrate more on SAT II's or on bettering my SAT I score, or on doing the ACT... Thanks!

Transferring to an Ivy league school questions?
The SAT and ACT are required for admission to college for new students who have not previously enrolled in college. When you are transferring into an elite school they are mainly interested in the courses you took in college and what grades you got, not what you did in a high school test.

If you check the stats on any ofthe websites, you see that the retention rate at the Ivies, Duke, etc are 97 or 98% from freshman to sophomore year. That means that if the class started out as 1500 kids, that no more than 30 or so have left. So that is the maximum number that can be accepted in by transfer. I think one of the admissions officers told me they receive about 400 transfer apps a year. So, that's how competitive it is. Mostly the kids who transfer in are either coming from some other very elite school where they did very well in their courses, or they are kids who were waitlisted at the school, went to another school and did very well and are now giving it another shot at the school that was their first choice.

It's all about your college grades in courses you took that were tough courses (physics with calc, not freshman comp!) Your grades in those college courses must show that you could handle the courses at the elite school and will not get into academic trouble if they allow you to transfer.
Reply:There's not just one way. It depends on which universities and programs you're hoping to get accepted to. So, that first thing to do is make a list of your top choices, and then contact each school's admissions officer or and ask if which are the criteria most valued there for transfer students. You'll be surprised by how much info some of them will share.

I need poison ivy help!?

Today is homecoming for me and I have poison ivy on my face! it has caused my eyes to swell up. is there anything I can do to make the swelling of my eyes go away??

I have tried the spoon in the freezer, the hairdryer, the ice, the cold tea bags, the hot tea bags, bleach, and multiple showers.

I need to get rid of the swelling by 7 tonight.

I need poison ivy help!?
You might want to go to one of the med-check places as soon as possible this morning to see if they can write a prescription for something to lessen the swelling.

I'd suggest other topical ointments, but they can't be used around the eyes. Do go see the med-check folks. They always have a doctor there, and you can get better information from them than from Answers. :)

Good luck and have a good time tonight.
Reply:try benedryl tablets

African Americans and Ivy Leagues?

My friend says that Ivy League colleges like to accept African Americans and that all I need to do is have a 3.8 GPA and a decent SAT score in the ball park of 1800-2100. Is this true? I would really love to go to Yale but I think he's probably just pulling my leg.

African Americans and Ivy Leagues?
Well from very first hand experience yes and no. First it depends on where you are applying. ( Upenn and Cornell love black people) while the others do to but these ones are exceptions. Also you SAT should still be around the ballpark of 2000-2200. You can get away with 1950 or higher if you cores are strong(such as mine were) 1800- 1940 will not cut it no matter what color you are. Also you must stand out with a lot of E.C's and your grades should be very good. If you do sports those will help you a lot.

For me I had a 3.2 GPA(very hard school which the colleges know about and a lot of AP's) 690-C.R 670- Math and a lot of E.C's and leadership positions. Also had extremly strong recomendations from great teachers. and I got into Upenn early this year

Good luck and stay strong brotha
Reply:Oh no, I don't think what you're friend said is really true at all. I mean there's always exceptions to every thing. I totally agree with the guy above. I think that you still need pretty stellar SAT scores and a really good GPA. I only think that being a minority would give you an edge over someone else whose as qualified as you are that's not African American. You would also need to be involved with many extracurriculars as said above. But you have to make sure that you have a really outstanding application. That's what the admission committee really looks at. We've all heard of those instances where this or that person got accepted into this really good college, but his grades were less than outstanding. Those would be exceptions to those rules, because they had a really good application. Work hard on personal statements and that essay. I wish you good luck though and hope you get accepted to wherever you want!
Reply:That's not true. You need to be a stellar student, just like the rest of us. You guys do get a little help in a situation where there's one slot left and there's you and a Caucasian with similar grades, but that's it. It is worth applying just in case, though.
Reply:Its not that they "love" one ethnicity or another, it is that many Ivy League schools are trying to promote diversity within their halls. If it came down you to and another student and the other student had the GPA and you didn’t....you’re not going to get picked just because you’re black.

As a matter of fact, race is not suppose to be used as a deciding factor (which is why the question is optional on any forms IF it is present at all), but it might be used as a tie breaker in the event that you tie with another qualified student and the institution is lacking in diversity.

Ivy league schools like to accept anyone that they feel are quality and can enhance the learning environment ....they also want students from all types of backgrounds and experiences that will benefit from the strong quality education that they provide.

One thing you should ask your friend is if it only takes a black person to have a 3.8 and really good GPA then what would a white person need to get in? If that’s all it took to get in, then I would be there and hundreds of other 3.8+ minority students.

I say take your chances and see what happens. It is quite possible that you could get accepted and if you do, attribute that to your grades and accomplishments....not your skin color. And for future references.....do not listen to your friends about what would make you a definite pick for anything unless they are actually on the acceptance committee.
Reply:this question is racist and i am offended.

Is UCLA as good as an Ivy League school?

Even though its not an Ivy League school, would you say it is as good as an Ivy League school?

Is UCLA as good as an Ivy League school?
UCLA is ranked as the #4 public university in the nation. I would say that's pretty good.
Reply:I would not say that. Ivy league schools are far and away the best schools in the world and they blow the competition away.
Reply:Definitely. It's the West Coast equivalent of an Ivy League school (as is Stanford, but UCLA is public and therefore much more affordable). It's extremely difficult to get in, but there are amazing opportunities for learning, research, and personal growth once you're accepted.
Reply:As someone who just went through the college applications process, there are only two differences I see between Ivy League and other elite schools and the so called "second tier" good schools. The first is reputation. Saying you went to Harvard is much better than saying you went to UCLA. Second of all, the peer group will be different. At an elite school, you will have more motivated and intelligent kids around you than at a good public university. On the flip side, the facilities and the teaching itself will be mostly the same. If reputation and peer group are important to you, then the answer to your question is No, otherwise Yes.

movie theatre

What will kill ivy once and for all?

But also may not harm other vegetation nearby, i.e., flowers and grass. Is there a specific ivy targeted herbicide?

What will kill ivy once and for all?
Since you have ornamental plants nearby, I'd suggest you do the following;

Purchase any of the herbicides that contain the active ingredient called; "TRICLOPYR"...which can be found being sold as "Brush-B-Gone" or "Brush-Killer" at your hardware store. Triclopyr was made specifically for hard-to-kill brush, tree and vine species. It doesn't harm grassy types and acts solely on broad-leaved plants.

Once you've made a mixture of 1 part Triclopyr to 3 parts water, cut the ivy down to 4 inches above the soil line and use an old paintbrush to apply it onto the cut surface. This application needs to be done within 10 minutes after you've made the cut...otherwise the plant begins to exude a liquid to defend itself. Once applied, the triclopyr will be translocated down to the roots (similar to Roundup) and they will be killed.

It's advisable to lay some plastic or newspaper to reduce the risk of damaging your ornamental plants by any splashing from the application.

You can use leftover Triclopyr to control your broadleaved weeds on your lawn. It's a great product!

Hope this solves your problem....GOOD LUCK!

-Certified Professional Crop Consultant with over 30 years of experience and a Degree in Plant Science
Reply:Let me put it into a pot and try to grow it insde my house. That is a proven ivy killer...
Reply:you could try to inject the base of the plant with bleach or a good weed killer.

What is the ivy league school for masters in international relations or counseling psychology?

Does not need to be "classic" ivy league but just the official "best school" out there!

What is the ivy league school for masters in international relations or counseling psychology?
You can probably guess the best schools -- Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, Duke, Stanford, Berkeley -- the usual suspects. One slight surprize is Georgetown. It is a great university that is usually a little lower than the other schools menitoned. But in international relations it is particularly good.

Psychology would include most of those schools, but also schools like Minnesota and a few other good state schools.

The link below will help you choose the right international relations program. I suspect that they also have a tool for psychology.
Reply:Check Petereson's guide for both Majors.
Reply:Well all the ivy league school have strong programs in those to areas as you will also find that with most of the BigTen, PacTen, and school like Georgetown, NYU, BU, and a few others I probably should mention but I have forget.

Good Luck!!!

Oh yeah - Duke and UVa and more!!!

I have poison ivy, should i see a doctor?

i have poison ivy in both of my eyes and on my neck which is kinda swelling up my throat. i also have it right around my mouth, like on my lips and i have it in my nose. its kinda looks like a thick leathery burn. should i go to the doctor, or just wait it out?

I have poison ivy, should i see a doctor?
in your eyes .. Go to the Doc. he can probably give you a pill or something to help it go faster. Much luck an dont scratch !!!!
Reply:Because it is in your eyes and mouth you should definitely see a doctor, otherwise I would say wait it out.
Reply:uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, yeah!and fast
Reply:Ordinarly I would say no, because there are many common cures for poison ivy. However since your eyes are involved I would see an MD quickly.

How do you remove the residue from English Ivy suckers that is left on aluminum siding after the Ivy is remove

I planted English Ivy on the sides of my house---it grew well.too well actually. When I pull the Ivy down, the "suckers" that the plant uses to attached to the aluminum siding leaves dark sticky marks. Any suggestions on how to remove these marks without causing damage to my siding? Help!

How do you remove the residue from English Ivy suckers that is left on aluminum siding after the Ivy is remove
I dont think pressure washing would help. . .ask your garden center or get some. .. 'Goo be gone'

the only other thing I can think of would be some type of chemical solvent. . . .to get off goo./residue


I have an ivy with small leaves and it is losing leaves and the new growth is dead before it developes?

the ivy has leaves the size of a half dollar and is a vine type, the leaves when i got it were dark green and now the appear light in color and the new growth is dying out and dieing before it has a chance to develope,how much light does it need and am i over watering

I have an ivy with small leaves and it is losing leaves and the new growth is dead before it developes?
It sounds like a case of overwatering. Usually the first sign of too much water is the leaves start to yellow and as the root system rots then the top will stop developing or fall off as buds. If you water it more than once every 7-10 days cut back. The root ball should be drying out before it needs watered. Ivy don't need much water because of their waxy leaves tends to hold more water in.
Reply:I would take a look under the leaves and see if there are any signs of spider mites, you will notice (if there are any) like webs or bugs crawling around. You should only need to water once a week when the soil is dry. Full sun isn't good, but bright light would be good. My plant is in my bathroom which gets light through a closed curtain and is doing fine. I hope this helps.
Reply:Ivy prefers shaded areas. Direct exposure to sunlight will eventually kill your plant. The fact that the leaves are still just the size of a half dollar indicates the plant is still immature and therefore in need of special attention. I recommend you purchase some literature or speak to a professional at a nursery or home depot, etc. Yes, it sounds like you are definately over watering your plant. That, by the way, is the biggest killer of houseplants.

Question about poison ivy?

Ok i have poison ivy on my face arms belly hands.. i have a date on the 22 and a chrismas dinner party with my boyfriends parents on the 23. i have to look some what normal. i broke out with this crap on monday. and my nose is down to the normal but i have a BIG *** BLISTER that has dryed on the side of my face..what is the best way to get rid of it my my dates. i've used tecnu every day and calagel so i don't iche it to make it worse. help please...

Question about poison ivy?
rub some dirt on it!

I have Poison Ivy, how much baking soda should I put in my bath?

Some how I must have come in contact with Poison Ivy, or Poison Oak and I am miserable.

I read online that baking soda in the bath tub helps, but don't know how much to add to the water. Does any one know how much I should add? I'd really be grateful to know.

I have Poison Ivy, how much baking soda should I put in my bath?
Sorry to hear about u having poison oak, that really sucks. I've used this product for years and it trully works, u should check it out.


I hope it helps
Reply:Hi, I just recovered from poison oak in November, and I feel for you!! You can put as much Baking Soda in the water as you want, rub it all over your skin to dry, anything to take the itch away. Also, if you have any vinegar around, make some old rags soaked in that, squeeze out a little and put that on the infected areas. Ginger tea bags that have been used work also. Mine kept spreading and even started going down my throat, so I had to go to the ER and get a steroid to make it go away, along with antibiotics for 2 weeks.

Those are all the home remedies I know, but wash all your clothes in hot water that may have touched the oil, or you will keep getting it over and over. I didn't even go outside the entire time I visited Oregon and I got it somehow from clothing or a hot tub. Wear gloves to bed so you don't break the blisters, and take Tylenal to keep the pain at bay.
Reply:The whole box!! It won't hurt you at all.Just keep rinsing the affected area.cool water is best.It's oil from the plant so any other place you touch could get itchy too.Then you can put on a cream for minor burns,nothing with alcohol in or you will be sorry. Heart goes out to ya!! It's brutal.Repeat in the morning again if needed.You will have to keep your hands busy doing something else tonight cause the more you scratch the worse it gets.If you break the skin and it gets into the scratch it could get infected so WASH your hands often.

Why don't Ivy League Football teams participate in Bowl games?

Also, when was the last time an Ivy League Team played in a bowl game?

Why don't Ivy League Football teams participate in Bowl games?
Check out this site. It is an in-depth look into Ivy League Schools. Why no Bowl Games? Probably because they don't win enough games/have a tough enough schedule. I think the last Ivy League Bowl Game was the Rose Bowl when Brown played. I can't recall the year, though.


fabric boot

What are the Ivy League universitys?

and what does ivy league mean?

and how does a foreign student get there without paying any fees?

and how are all the girls there ( nerd or not ) ?

do the guys there have sexual intercourse often or all they do is study study study?

What are the Ivy League universitys?
I never went to college but suspect it is a place for rich kids to go for four years before their dads friend gets them a job. Just guessing. Also, I think they are back east. Sex? of course it goes on in all levels of society.
Reply:As for the social life, my boyfriend went to UPenn, so when I visited I expected everyone to be uptight and studious all of the time. That is definitely not true. People study, but they also party quite a bit. And sex is going to occur on any college campus regardless of national rank.
Reply:What a stupid question. You go to college to learn, not fraternize. Why would they have statistics for intercourse? And how would you even know how often? Clearly, you wouldn't be able to get into these schools.

* Brown University

* Columbia University

* Cornell University

* Dartmouth College

* Harvard University

* University of Pennsylvania

* Princeton University

* Yale University

"The Ivy League is an athletic conference comprising eight private institutions of higher education located in the Northeastern United States. The term is now also commonly used to refer to those eight schools considered as a group. In a wider sense, it is used to refer to the social group once strongly associated with these schools. All of the Ivy League institutions share some general characteristics: they consistently place within the top 15 in the U.S. News %26amp; World Report college and university rankings; they rank within the top one percent of the world's academic institutions in terms of financial endowment; they attract top-tier students and faculty"

Bark Damage-English Ivy and insects?

We recently moved and the new area has English Ivy beginning to work on the trees. I have been attacking it with success but one tree had serious damage with the bark falling off. I pulled it away to discover boring by insects. Right now I am not sure what type but most varieties appear only to attack rotting wood and this was bad. The tree is about three feet in diameter. The damage appears to be on one side and I pulled away bark about three feet up on one side.

Is there anything I can do to help this bark-less section now?

Any thoughts on the general damage control?

Bark Damage-English Ivy and insects?
Call an arborist for advice.

Poll/survey: what ivy league school?

in your opinion, what ivy league school is the best

campus, academics, and graduation rate wise

i dont really care what u base it on, but give me an idea. my undergrad counselor said i could get into any school, and im having a tough time deciding!

Poll/survey: what ivy league school?
Reply:I don't know about all that, but if I got to choose I would go to Columbia!!!!!
Reply:Cornell. i live near there.
Reply:queens, but its an ivy league in canada...you might want to specify the country
Reply:I didn't care about Ivy League. My first choice was Stamford!!

(Wound up somewhere else but made it through!)

Reply:I think its a bit far-fetched to assume you could get into any school. However, if that is the case I think Princeton is a good school. I go there and its a very nice campus with great classes.

Are there any Ivy League Schools in Australia?

Or, can i have a list of all the Ivy League schools world-wide?

Are there any Ivy League Schools in Australia?
That other poster may be being a bit rude (and a bit funny), but he's right. The Ivy League is a group of schools in a sports league in the US. Many of them are prestigious universities, yes. And I think that's what you're really asking: what are the most prestigious universities in Australia.

There are no universities in Australia that are particularly famous, worldwide - not like Harvard is, for example. But there are some universities in Australia that rank extremely well, internationally, on rankings tables. They include:

- Australian National University

- University of Melbourne

- University of Sydney

- University of Queensland

- Monash University

- University of New South Wales

Those tend to rank in the top 50, worldwide. I'll link you to one international university rankings table that I do like, below. I'm sure Australia must also have some sort of rankings tables as well.
Reply:What are you talking about?

See, this is the problem with high schools today!

Do you even know what Ivy League has to do with; not academics, SPORTS!!

The Ivy League schools are, first and foremost, a sports league created many years ago. Ivy league schools are ONLY in the NORTHEASTERN part of the UNITED STATES. A simple google search would have told you that. If you cannot google, you cannot go Ivy.

The ivy league schools are:










Edit: Roaring, as you might think it was rude (and funny), you, as a T.C., should know that there is a simple and effetive "search" buttom right on top of the website. As many know, there are probaly 3,929,132 questions on Ivy league school PER DAY! So, even if I was a little rude, it's not unjust. Hopefully, many that post about Ivy leagues can look at this post and take the "search" advice, lol.

mobility scooter

Help from any Ivy League alumni?

This question is for any people out there who have had the honor of attending/graduating from an Ivy League school. I am currently 14 and applying to Andover for high school, but I am very ambitious about going to the prestigious Princeton University for my undergrad. I have done A LOT of research, and I know exactly what they look for in applicants, but I would like some personal advice and experience. Can anyone please give me some advice or insight as to specific things that helped get them accepted (talents, academic achievements, etc.)?

Thank you, any help is appreciated!

Help from any Ivy League alumni?
It is never to early to look at colleges! You will need a 4.0 GPA, close to perfect SATS, and extracurricular activities. You need something that know one else has. Good Luck!
Reply:I am sorry but Ivy League schools look for well rounded solid minded individuals. Your 14, try being a kid for awhile and having fun instead of giving yourself a complex about whats going to happen 4 years from now. Be yourself, get good grades, and get some hobbies

Who is 'Poison Ivy'?

I guess one of my boyfriend's classmates saw a picture of us on his cell phone and said I looked like some Posion Ivy character. Who are they and what are they from?


Who is 'Poison Ivy'?
she was kind of the whore villain of the batman-spiderman-etc. stories. there have been a lot of impressions of her but its always red hair-greenish eyes..



the barbie is probably the best to base off:

Reply:I think they are talking about Uma Thurman who played Poison Ivy on Batman..the same lady from Kill Bill.
Reply:Consider it a compliment! Drew Barrymore played Ivy in the movie

Reply:An evil character from the Batman comics.
Reply:depends which poison ivy character you're talking about

teenage lolita:


or batman character:




I have Poison Ivy, how much baking soda should I put in my bath?

Some how I must have come in contact with Poison Ivy, or Poison Oak and I am miserable.

I read online that baking soda in the bath tub helps, but don't know how much to add to the water. Does any one know how much I should add? I'd really be grateful to know.

Also, I am broke, and can't purchase anything right now, and would'nt leave the house now anyway because it's too late and it has spread every where, so I am stuck with baking soda.

I have Poison Ivy, how much baking soda should I put in my bath?
I wouldn't soak in a bath or it might spread further. You need to just not scratch. If you can get some hydrocortisone cream that helps or calamine with antihistamine.
Reply:Put in all you have...the more the better. I hope it works for you..
Reply:Did you find oatmeal for a soother?

Seems to me that is what we used.

Do you have a shower? I mean, does it

have to be a bath?

As you read, it's the oil from the contact

that spreads. That means the oil is probably

now on those clothes, gloves, shoes you had on.

In your reading, did you find that these items

can be cleaned? Did your online source

recommend plain soap and water?

If so, then use plain soap and water to

wash your "miserable" areas, being careful

to not spread the oil to the unaffected areas.

That baking soda is gonna hurt.

A tribute to Ivy, "Is today better than yesterday?"?

This is dedicated to the beautiful Posion Ivy...

These are excerpted from her last blog and are 4 violations that she recieved just before her death...

1. what are your daily essentials?

2. have you ever talked to tom?

3. how many john(s) do you know?

4. is today better than yesterday?

You'll be sorely missed sweetie! ~RIP~

Her and her husband's blogs...



(Please feel free to answer this as you wish but please be nice as it's a tribute to a wonderful person...Thanks)

A tribute to Ivy, "Is today better than yesterday?"?
In honor of Poison Ivy


2.)Nope I never have but I would like to.


4.)Today is still filled with sadness and loss...but I am fighting my way back as I know Ivana would want us all to rememer her but not feel sad forever.

We will miss you Ivana..rest in peace
Reply:i apologize if i offended anyone. sorry. Report It
Reply:like seriously what is your problem...i mean you post nasty questions about her, leave mean comments on her 360...i just dont see why all the attention she gets is bothering you so much....i dont mean to offend you or sound mean but you just seem really really COLD!!!.... Report It
Reply:1)Hot cup of coffee to get me going

2)I have no idea who Tom is

3)I don't know any Johns because I'm not that kind of girl lol but I know some guys called Jean.

4)Goodness yes but not as fantastic as tomorrow.
Reply:I am not sure what this is about, but if you are being literally truthful, I am devastated.

It can't be.
Reply:food water love

I have spoken to several Toms before

I know 3 Johns

Yes today is better in some ways and in others its not.

This flower is for Ivy ~%26lt;~%26lt;~@
Reply:1. Daily essentials- Family, friends, pets.

2. The Tom I knew is gone, also.

3. (Teehee) I don't do that line of work.

4. Um, yes. Today is overcast, but at least it's a day to relax.

Yeah, we'll definately miss ya, Ivy! Try not to party too hard up there! At least until it's our turn to come up there, too.
Reply:1. what are your daily essentials?my family and friends

2. have you ever talked to tom? who?? j/k yeah hes a nice guy

3. how many john(s) do you know?just 1

4. is today better than yesterday?no an angel went back home and I am still sad
Reply:1) beer foamy,beer good,baseball,reading a book,music

2) yes,my two tomcats everyday.purrs and treads

3) quite a few

4) always,more memories,more knowledge,more opportunities

bye-bye Ivy sleep tight,
Reply:well I will answer again, dearest Ivy:

1. my laptop and being online

2. yeah, tom from myspace/a busy guy/

3. Jonnie Depp only

4. yeah , in our hearts....
Reply:Speechless. (still weeping)
Reply:1. waking up cause if you don't...

2. tom was someone that needs a good talking too

3. more then any mortal woman should

4. yes, now if I could only get cable on this thing I will be all set
Reply:hmmm daily essentials.....loved ones and my dogs..cant live without them

2) yeah sorta of..(he's answered most of my questions..if that can be called talking)

3)lolz too many....there just too many johns out there..umm i would have to say maybe like 20

4) sometimes it is..sometimes it isnt...but yeah today is a little better then yesterday cause yesterday was just heart breaking :(....
Reply:hey-today is better than yesterday yet i still miss this one-lots of love old hippie here
Reply:OH, THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!How do you know who anybody is on Yahoo? Everyone is make-believe!!! This is a computer, you know..Was it Ivy or IVAN???? think about it...don't be so gullible and naive and vulnerable....
Reply:I had agreed to G.R.O.U.P. day in the forum. But beings it is after midnight I feel safe to answer this question. Keep in mind, had I came across this question before, I think I would have had to break a commitment and put in my 2 cents anyway. I see nothing wrong with any of the 4 questions listed above. Without even knowing Ivy, had I came across any one of the questions I would have answered. Now even more than ever, since her passing, these questions have more of a meaning bigger than life.

1. Breathe, God and Family

2. Yes, and one day I hope to meet him face to face.

3. 3 here on earth, looking forward to the one I'll meet in heaven!

4. In some ways. For today I've learned from the mistakes I made yesterday. On the other hand, I miss those things that was yesterday.

Though I did not know her personally, through other friends I have here, they have told me, that she was one of the greatest person's to walk the face of this earth!

My heart goes out to her family.
Reply:1. my daily essential is too smile and atleast make other people smile too...

2. no i dont think i knew someone who had a nmae tom...

3. i think more than 5

4. yes it is always better since you've added another day in your life... everyday is great!
Reply:1 my daily essentials my walk with God, my run, my coffee,

2.Yes I have talked with Tom! O LA LA

3. I am married to a Great John

4. And Today is way better then Yesterday!

Thank you for doing this question, very nice. Hugs to you.

children boots

Do students in Ivy League schools actually study more/work harder in college than average state universities?

Once students are admitted into Ivy League colleges and other prestigiious, private colleges, do they actually continue to work hard in school. Or do they drop their level of performance once they're accepted into the school and just party just as hard as any other student at an average public university?

Do students in Ivy League schools actually study more/work harder in college than average state universities?
The expectations for students in each class in Ivies and other prestigious liberal arts colleges are much higher than those at your average state university.

Top schools require TONS of reading, and frequent 10-30 page research papers are the norm.

Multiple choice exams are practically nonexistent at top schools, whereas they are the regular practice at state universities.

But do students at Ivies, Seven Sisters, and Little Ivies party? Absolutely. Oh, absolutely. Does that cause them to drop their level of performance? Not really.
Reply:Usually they don't work any more or less hard than the students of other schools. They're just more connected--- the children of extremely rich well connected people or alumni.. A few of them are super achievers who have done outstanding things for their communities.

Ivy League schools have the best professors, but not necessarily the smartest or hardest working students.
Reply:I am going to guess they work harder at Ivy League schools.

This guess is based on the fact that many of the teachers at the state university where I work went to Ivy league schools and they all look down their noses at the students here.

They continually complain about "when I was at ---Princeton, Yale, Harvard"-and god save us from the Standford grads. It is all they talk about.

What I notice is that in the end it seems to make little difference because all the Yalies etc are right here at the same state school as the rest of the ordinary college graduates!

Go where you will be comfortable.
Reply:Yeah O.K. sure! I don't think so.come on.

A tribute to Ivy, "Is today better than yesterday?"?

This is dedicated to the beautiful Posion Ivy...

These are excerpted from her last blog and are 4 violations that she recieved just before her death...

1. what are your daily essentials?

2. have you ever talked to tom?

3. how many john(s) do you know?

4. is today better than yesterday?

You'll be sorely missed sweetie! ~RIP~

Her and her husband's blogs...



(Please feel free to answer this as you wish but please be nice as it's a tribute to a wonderful person...Thanks)

A tribute to Ivy, "Is today better than yesterday?"?
In honor of Poison Ivy


2.)Nope I never have but I would like to.


4.)Today is still filled with sadness and loss...but I am fighting my way back as I know Ivana would want us all to rememer her but not feel sad forever.

We will miss you Ivana..rest in peace
Reply:i apologize if i offended anyone. sorry. Report It
Reply:like seriously what is your problem...i mean you post nasty questions about her, leave mean comments on her 360...i just dont see why all the attention she gets is bothering you so much....i dont mean to offend you or sound mean but you just seem really really COLD!!!.... Report It
Reply:1)Hot cup of coffee to get me going

2)I have no idea who Tom is

3)I don't know any Johns because I'm not that kind of girl lol but I know some guys called Jean.

4)Goodness yes but not as fantastic as tomorrow.
Reply:I am not sure what this is about, but if you are being literally truthful, I am devastated.

It can't be.
Reply:food water love

I have spoken to several Toms before

I know 3 Johns

Yes today is better in some ways and in others its not.

This flower is for Ivy ~%26lt;~%26lt;~@
Reply:1. Daily essentials- Family, friends, pets.

2. The Tom I knew is gone, also.

3. (Teehee) I don't do that line of work.

4. Um, yes. Today is overcast, but at least it's a day to relax.

Yeah, we'll definately miss ya, Ivy! Try not to party too hard up there! At least until it's our turn to come up there, too.
Reply:1. what are your daily essentials?my family and friends

2. have you ever talked to tom? who?? j/k yeah hes a nice guy

3. how many john(s) do you know?just 1

4. is today better than yesterday?no an angel went back home and I am still sad
Reply:1) beer foamy,beer good,baseball,reading a book,music

2) yes,my two tomcats everyday.purrs and treads

3) quite a few

4) always,more memories,more knowledge,more opportunities

bye-bye Ivy sleep tight,
Reply:well I will answer again, dearest Ivy:

1. my laptop and being online

2. yeah, tom from myspace/a busy guy/

3. Jonnie Depp only

4. yeah , in our hearts....
Reply:Speechless. (still weeping)
Reply:1. waking up cause if you don't...

2. tom was someone that needs a good talking too

3. more then any mortal woman should

4. yes, now if I could only get cable on this thing I will be all set
Reply:hmmm daily essentials.....loved ones and my dogs..cant live without them

2) yeah sorta of..(he's answered most of my questions..if that can be called talking)

3)lolz too many....there just too many johns out there..umm i would have to say maybe like 20

4) sometimes it is..sometimes it isnt...but yeah today is a little better then yesterday cause yesterday was just heart breaking :(....
Reply:hey-today is better than yesterday yet i still miss this one-lots of love old hippie here
Reply:OH, THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!How do you know who anybody is on Yahoo? Everyone is make-believe!!! This is a computer, you know..Was it Ivy or IVAN???? think about it...don't be so gullible and naive and vulnerable....
Reply:I had agreed to G.R.O.U.P. day in the forum. But beings it is after midnight I feel safe to answer this question. Keep in mind, had I came across this question before, I think I would have had to break a commitment and put in my 2 cents anyway. I see nothing wrong with any of the 4 questions listed above. Without even knowing Ivy, had I came across any one of the questions I would have answered. Now even more than ever, since her passing, these questions have more of a meaning bigger than life.

1. Breathe, God and Family

2. Yes, and one day I hope to meet him face to face.

3. 3 here on earth, looking forward to the one I'll meet in heaven!

4. In some ways. For today I've learned from the mistakes I made yesterday. On the other hand, I miss those things that was yesterday.

Though I did not know her personally, through other friends I have here, they have told me, that she was one of the greatest person's to walk the face of this earth!

My heart goes out to her family.
Reply:1. my daily essential is too smile and atleast make other people smile too...

2. no i dont think i knew someone who had a nmae tom...

3. i think more than 5

4. yes it is always better since you've added another day in your life... everyday is great!
Reply:1 my daily essentials my walk with God, my run, my coffee,

2.Yes I have talked with Tom! O LA LA

3. I am married to a Great John

4. And Today is way better then Yesterday!

Thank you for doing this question, very nice. Hugs to you.

06-07 salomon ivy?

im'an advanced intermediate rider.

im getting a new board--and i really like the ivy.

the only problem is that i've heard about and read reviews that say it has a tendency to delaminate.

is it worth buying this board?

06-07 salomon ivy?
I have never heard of a delam in this board. Interesting.

This is a pretty decent all around deck, but it's super narrow. I personally would not ride this board but I wouldn't discourage other from riding it. The deck can hold it's own in the park, pipe and in the back country. It has a good flex, good base and a light swing weight for those times when you feel like huckin 5’s ?

If you have your reservations about the deck explore other options. It’s a pricey board so be sure about your purchase. If I get your specs I could help you find something a little better.

Best of luck!

Astringent on poision ivy?

i've got poison ivy...everywhere...i can't take it...if i put astringent on it will it dry it out and make it go away faster?

Astringent on poision ivy?
An astringent will probably just aggravate the condition. If you go to the store there is some medicine that will clear it up really quick! It is a little expensive, but works fast! It is called Zanfel. I would take a really hot shower and scrub the rash, rub on the Zanfel, take some benedryl (don't use the benedryl cream on poison ivy, as it can cause a reaction) and go to sleep. You should notice a difference by the next morning.

I have a nursing instructor that swears by a medicine called Tecnu. It might be worth a shot!
Reply:Run super hot water over the rash then put gauze over it and leave it for a few days


I have Poison Ivy, how much baking soda should I put in my bath?

Some how I must have come in contact with Poison Ivy, or Poison Oak and I am miserable.

I read online that baking soda in the bath tub helps, but don't know how much to add to the water. Does any one know how much I should add? I'd really be grateful to know.

Also, I am broke, and can't purchase anything right now, and would'nt leave the house now anyway because it's too late and it has spread every where, so I am stuck with baking soda.

I have Poison Ivy, how much baking soda should I put in my bath?
I wouldn't soak in a bath or it might spread further. You need to just not scratch. If you can get some hydrocortisone cream that helps or calamine with antihistamine.
Reply:Put in all you have...the more the better. I hope it works for you..
Reply:Did you find oatmeal for a soother?

Seems to me that is what we used.

Do you have a shower? I mean, does it

have to be a bath?

As you read, it's the oil from the contact

that spreads. That means the oil is probably

now on those clothes, gloves, shoes you had on.

In your reading, did you find that these items

can be cleaned? Did your online source

recommend plain soap and water?

If so, then use plain soap and water to

wash your "miserable" areas, being careful

to not spread the oil to the unaffected areas.

That baking soda is gonna hurt.

My question about ivy?

a big thank you to all those people who gave me advice of how to kill ivy.(the plant not the woman). one week later and a lot of hard graft ivys gone. so once again THANK YOU to those people for taking the time and trouble to answer my question.

My question about ivy?
Congrats on getting the ivy out. Have you got around to making baskets yet?? To stop the ivy from growing in your compost pile....put all the vines in a extra large black plastic bag and let them cook in the sun for 6 weeks or so!
Reply:I may not have answered your question, but it is good to pass on my 40 years of knowledge as a head gardener and the old ways are coming back in to fashion
Reply:hi that was a pleasure glad to have helped and weldone you for all your hard work
Reply:Sure, pleased to be of service.

Can I still get into an Ivy league with such a horrid GPA?

Okay, freshman year, I've gotten mostly A's with 1 C, and I've taken almost all honors classes. Sophomore year, I had no C's but I had an equal amount of A's and B's and my GPA was a 3.6 by the end of sophomore year, and 4.3 weighted. However, in junior year, I got straight A's, with 4 AP classes, and this brought my GPA up to a 3.7, and a weighted GPA of 4.5. If I get straight A's again my senior year, with 5 AP classes, that will bring my GPA up to a 3.81. Will I still be able to get into an Ivy league?

For the activities outside of school...I have over 300 hours of community service, I was involved in about 3 clubs and I have organized a toy drive and a fund-raiser. And I have an SAT score of 2200.

Do I still have a chance at an Ivy league? Such as...Cornell?

Can I still get into an Ivy league with such a horrid GPA?
It's hard to say. Ivy league admissions are so competitive that you can have nearly perfect credentials and still find yourself on a wait-listed or worse. Keep your grades up, make sure your SATs are high, and try to add some positions of leadership to your extracurriculars. I'd also look for a Cornell alum to act as a mentor who can give you a great recommendation with the time comes. Legitimate, well-thought recommendations (not just a "So-and-so would be a great addition to your incoming freshman class. Sincerely, so-and-so, Class of '85) from school alumni hold a lot greater weight than letters from your coaches or english teachers .
Reply:Really, it also depends on recommendation, leadership(SGA?, Club Captain?), and your essay

Just a couple of things... strictly Honor classes(but honors AP classes do count) don't raise your GPA for most colleges, so you should probably recalculate your GPA if you factored in honor classes (which i think you did). The junior grades are impressive, but the 1 C in your freshmen year does not look too good...

Ideally a 3.81 is good enough for the lower-end Ivy League schools, Cornell, Dartmouth... but for Harvard and Yale,

In conclusion, yes your grades are good enough to warrent an application to Cornell...
Reply:Can you? Yes.

Is it a given? No.

I got into Cornell University but this was back in 1970. Requirements change and the things they are looking for change.

I was a B+ student in a difficult public high school. I excelled in math and sciences. Didn't do as well in history. I had won a scholorship from the state of NY for any school in NY. I did volunteer work in the inner city fixing older peoples' homes. I was on my track and ski teams. My SATs were about 1700 (the max was 1800). With a B+ average that showed I was smart but only applied myself when I wanted to. I would not have been accepted on my grades alone. I was rejected at Brown, Rutgers, two NY State Universities, and Kent State. But I got into Cornell.

One thing that I think made a difference was that I requested an interview with the admissions department. I knew what I wanted and I was able to express clear goals with my plans for acheiving them. I was clearly not just a work/study drone either - they wanted people who had a ballence in their lives.

Since then I've been asked to be on the alumni board in the admissions office. We screen applications and assist with our opinions on decisions about candidates that could go either way. I want to see a well rounded person. Someone with independence. Someone who challenges themselves. Someone who works well in groups and not always as the leader. Someone who is interested in many things - someone who would do well on Jeapordy - not Wheel of Fortune. I want to see that you know how to learn - not just memorize facts.

Which kind of ivy is best for climbing a latice?

I live in San Jose, CA and I'm trying to decide which kind of ivy would be best for climbing a latice (for privacy) in a mostly shaded environment. A variety that's not too messy would also be nice.

Which kind of ivy is best for climbing a latice?
English Ivy
Reply:Most ivy will do well on a latice. A variety with large leaves, often called Algerian Ivy (Helix caneriensis), will quickly cover a latice, and since it has large leaves the cover will be thick. It does quite well in the shade. In fact it will grow anywhere. English Ivy (Hedera helix) would also work well. It is the more typical looking ivy. It has smaller leaves. It does not do quite as well in the shade though.

children shoes

Is your name Ivy?

its not a very popular name, and if Ivy is your name, or the name of somebody you know, say so!

Is your name Ivy?
Nope, sorry
Reply:I worked with a woman named Ivy, her sister was my boss and her name was Jamesa.

Ivy was quiet and very nice.
Reply:If my son had been a girl his name was going to be Ivy Alanna. But alas he is a boy so Ivy didn't seem appropriate.
Reply:I think you will like this:-

The old London East End boy and his old girl had been on holiday and on their return they were out shopping. An old friend met them and asked ‘Where have you been for the last couple of weeks’. ‘On holiday’ he replied. ‘Where did you go’ his friend asked. As much as he tried to think, he was unable to remember. ‘Alright’ his friend replied ‘forget the country, what city were you in’. Again the old boy tried to think, but was unable to remember. Suddenly, his face lit up as he asked ‘What do you call that green stuff that grows up the walls of old houses’. ‘Ivy’ his friend replied. ‘That’s right’ his friend replied, then shouted to his wife ‘Ivy, where the hell did we go for our holidays’
Reply:No and no.

Reply:nope neither

I got poison ivy all over my legs, HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

POISON IVY, WHAT DO I USE, I DONT WANNA GO TO A DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

I got poison ivy all over my legs, HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
try and get non itching gel, and sum cream...preferebly avveno...it worked fo me...DO NOT ITCH.. it only makes it worse
Reply:scratch it up with a brillo pad and rub salt into it. the salt will absorb the poison. it hurts like hell, but effective Report It
Reply:there are oatmeal baths that can help. there is also a medicine that you can get from the pharmacy.
Reply:Eurax cream -it makes everything go warm to start off with, especially if the skin is brokem, but the itching completely STOPS!
Reply:There is an oil called urushiol in this plant. It is the substance that you may be having a reaction to. I would recommend seeing your personal physician because he can give you a prescription for a round of steroids that will help you get over the itch and rash more quickly than calamine, or other topical remedies.

Meanwhile the site below has links that will answer almost any question on poison ivy. It is the Poison Ivy, Oak, %26amp; Sumac Information Center.
Reply:I use rubbing alcohol for everythign that itches, but calamine lotion is the best for it.

Do students in Ivy League schools actually study more/work harder in college than average state universities?

Once students are admitted into Ivy League colleges and other prestigiious, private colleges, do they actually continue to work hard in school. Or do they drop their level of performance once they're accepted into the school and just party just as hard as any other student at an average public university?

Do students in Ivy League schools actually study more/work harder in college than average state universities?
The expectations for students in each class in Ivies and other prestigious liberal arts colleges are much higher than those at your average state university.

Top schools require TONS of reading, and frequent 10-30 page research papers are the norm.

Multiple choice exams are practically nonexistent at top schools, whereas they are the regular practice at state universities.

But do students at Ivies, Seven Sisters, and Little Ivies party? Absolutely. Oh, absolutely. Does that cause them to drop their level of performance? Not really.
Reply:Usually they don't work any more or less hard than the students of other schools. They're just more connected--- the children of extremely rich well connected people or alumni.. A few of them are super achievers who have done outstanding things for their communities.

Ivy League schools have the best professors, but not necessarily the smartest or hardest working students.
Reply:I am going to guess they work harder at Ivy League schools.

This guess is based on the fact that many of the teachers at the state university where I work went to Ivy league schools and they all look down their noses at the students here.

They continually complain about "when I was at ---Princeton, Yale, Harvard"-and god save us from the Standford grads. It is all they talk about.

What I notice is that in the end it seems to make little difference because all the Yalies etc are right here at the same state school as the rest of the ordinary college graduates!

Go where you will be comfortable.
Reply:Yeah O.K. sure! I don't think so.come on.

I have poison ivy and I am getting surgery...?

I am supposed to get surgery today on my foot, however I have poison ivy on my arm. Will the surgeon still perform my procedure?

I have poison ivy and I am getting surgery...?
Reply:You're gonna have to ask the surgeon. Call his office before you leave home to go to the hospital/surgery center.
Reply:yes as the ivy is on your arm---not your foot
Reply:maybe. if it's safe./

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What does poison ivy look like and how long after you touch it does it appear?

i have little bumps..randomly appearing on my hand. i was picking blackberries so it would make sense if it is poison ivy. how can i tell for sure? it was also 2 days ago.

What does poison ivy look like and how long after you touch it does it appear?
Poison-Ivy has small stems with 3 distinct leaves on each. I attached a picture link of the plant. Small bumps appear where it was touched if you're allergic to it. Bumps appear usually in a day or two after contact, and can secrete fluid that may help spread the rash because of scratching the area and spreading the fluid. Avoid touching eyes or mucous membranes before washing the exposed area, because Poison Ivy can spread to them. Be aware also of Poison-Oak and Poison Sumac, allergies to one usually mean allergies to all three.


Reply:it looks red (i think) and symptons appear depending on the person. usually within the first week.

Guy S
Reply:Poison Ivy rash starts out as little itchy benign bumps about a day or 2 after exposure and then the skin turns bright red and blisters appear that ooze yellow junk. There is no way to know for sure at this stage, but it wouldn't hurt to put some anti-itch cream on the bumps anyway.
Reply:it may take a day or two....little random red blotches clear fluid oozes out when you scratch it , so dont

Good enough for Ivy League?

I have swam, played tennis, and played golf for the three years of high school so far, taken place on my schools mock trial, in the know, DI, and a few other groups for three years and I have a weighted average of 4.45 (top possible is 4.5 at my school). I got an ACT score of 30. But, next year I'm studying abroad in Germany. Because of this, I can't take mutiple AP classes. Will this be a negative component to trying to get into an Ivy league or top rated school? is my ACT score too low to get into a good school?

Good enough for Ivy League?
You have a chance at getting into an Ivy league school. But you need to raise your ACT score a bit to like 33 or above. And going to Germany will help you if you do well over there. It takes something special to get into the Ivies and going to Germany could be that special thing. Also, on your apps. essay, try writing about a certain incident or the overall experience you had over in Germany. I think that will help. Your extracurriculars look good but you need to take leadership positions in some of them. Have fun in Germany.
Reply:If your German is good enough for you to spend the year in German schools, Ivies should be happy to consider you. Your ACT score is good--and the fact that it comes from your junior year should be a plus.

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What's a good fertilizer for ivy?

I'm planting a bunch of ivy in my back yard for ground cover but the soil is very poor. What's a good fertilizer to enrich the soil and allow the ivy to grow well and flourish?

What's a good fertilizer for ivy?
ANY fertilizer containing Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus (N-P-K) will benefit any green plant. Miracle Grow is a liquid fertilizer markets by Scott's company.. it's water soluble so it's easy to apply, but at the same time, plants use it up quickly.

A granular fertilizer tends to last a little longer. A simple 12-12-12 all-purpose fertilizer is appropriate for ivy. You can buy it at most hardware stores and it's pretty cheap. Apply it per label instructions and don't over-fertilize.

Good Luck!
Reply:Miracle Grow works on everything.
Reply:ivy will grow anywhere! you don't need any fertilizer either.be real sure you plant it where you really want it,cause it's going to be your nightmare for a long time to come!!!

Getting rid of ivy roots?

How can i get rid of ivy roots without affecting the soil because i want to plant some flowers in that area of the garden and i don't want them to die.Thanks

Getting rid of ivy roots?
You will have to perform a total kill of the ivy area. I suggest a Roundup product. There are some other ivy specific products out for sale too. Once the ivy is dead then you can tear it down and pull up the old roots, and then plant whatever you want in its place.
Reply:I do not recommend RoundUp for ivy because it tends to drip off the waxy leaves. Instead of poisoning the ivy....start at one edge and roll it up like a rug, cutting it off at ground level as you go. Put all this ivy mass into a extra large black plastic bag and let it cook in the sun for at least 6 weeks before adding it to your compost pile. Then, take a garden fork and turn over the soil and pull out the ivy roots as you go. This should keep the area ivy free for a year or so. You can pull or cut off and small growths of ivy as they appear.

IT job at Ivy League School?

I graduated from a run of mill university, and am working in IT field in a local government. Got a little over 5 year of experience. I am still relatively young nearing my mid 30s.

I am interested in getting a job at prestigious schools like Harvard, Princeton or Darthmouth as an IT technician. How competitive is it? How difficult is the process, and do interviewers sometimes give a bit of BS during hiring processes like in private or government sector?

Once you get in, that is if you get in, how fast paced do those Ivy schools tend to be for your work?

IT job at Ivy League School?
Go to the HR dept's website for the schools you're interested in, and start searching for job openings. The university I work for has very decentralized IT functions. There are 2 large mainframe centers, and at least a dozen smaller systems for different colleges and units. I can't say that the Ivy League does it this way, but you'll never know until you apply. If you pick a big school, there's more chances of moving to other departments if you don't like the one you get.
Reply:Most of those services are outsourced to companies like HP, Compuware, EDS, PriceWaterhouse Coopers, et al - so you could go to one of those companies and see who's got the contracts for the schools you're interested in.

What are the stereotypes of each ivy league school?

Obviously all ivy league schools are preppy and nerdy, but what are the individual stereotypes of each individual ivy league school?

What are the stereotypes of each ivy league school?
Obviously all ivy league schools are preppy and nerdy, thst's one. you seem to be doing great on your own. why ask us.
Reply:not sure.
Reply:Inflating grades... I heard once Yale had some trouble with that since everyone seemed to be getting A's...

Not all Ivy League kids are nerdy and preppy LOL.

Some kids party like hell, especially at frat parties. I think I've seen more drinking/smoking in college than in high school (and I did not go to a "preppy" high school).

College is college. You always see those kids who hookah and party and others who study.


Weird Bumps....Poison Ivy?

okay so i have these bumps on the inside of my fingers and they itch like crazy! but i've had poison ivy like a million other times but this doesnt seem like its it b/c it has only spread to the inner parts of my knees. any idea? p.s. i went camping two weeks ago and i found the rash thing 3 days later when i got out of the shower.

Weird Bumps....Poison Ivy?
It doesn't seem very probable that you are experiencing something from your camping trip after 2 weeks. As you probably know, poison ivy usually goes away after a week or so.

However, it is possible that you may have come in contact with something that lives just under the skin, like scabies.

You really need to go to a doctor and let them take scrapings so they can prescribe a treatment. It is foolish to ignore something like this. Go to a clinic if you can't afford a doctor.
Reply:Did you have sex while camping? Maybe with someone who you dont know cause nowadays you get some weird stuff.
Reply:have you been around posion ivy you really need to go to the doctor because now days you dont know what you have so my best bet to you is to seek a doctor
Reply:You didnt say where you went camping.Could be posion oak.

or Noseeums if in Fla.
Reply:chiggers!!!!! get absorbing junior and calamine lotion!

Getting into an Ivy?

I am 15 and in 11th grade. I am 7th in my class of 211 students. My GPA is a 98.25. I want to go to an ivy league school, but I have barely any extracurriculars besides a very lame swim career and playing the bassoon in the school band. Anyway, I know that in the admission process they weed out the kids who didn't participate in high school. You may be thinking why is this loser saying this, but I do have a point-- I am halfway through writing a novel and I am going to get it published. Do you think this will make up for my lack of having a life? Will it show them that I didn't just waste my time away? What do you think? Am I doomed to a lonely life at some junky school like UCONN?

Getting into an Ivy?
Schools not lonly look at grades but also what you do out outside academia as well. Can't say what weight they put on outside activities, and I am sure each school puts a different emphasis on it. I think that the root issue for schools wanting extracurricular activities is that most people applying to their school have a respectable GPA, so they look else where to aid in the decision process. I only played in the band, but I also did a a lot of volunteer work and raised money for charities while in high school which set me a part form other applicants. You might consider doing some volunteer work. Also, if possible take to alums form the school(s), that you are considering, they can be a big help and make great recommendations.
Reply:Not smart to knock a good school like U. CONN.!!!

Writing a novel is something that sets you apart which is good for admissions.

You mentioned not having a life. You have time to remedy that situation.

Looking forward to seeing you at Harvard!
Reply:I think you are much better off than you give yourself credit for. I applied Ivy League just to see if I could get in, and I did. I didn't go there because I could not afford it. The best thing to do is to apply as early as possible. Don't put things on your applications that you think they WANT to see.... Instead answer EVERY question and answer it truthfully and honestly. I wish you the very best of luck.
Reply:I think you're spending too much time letting your college of choice define who you are and what you want to be. You're halfway through writing a novel without post-secondary schooling. Does that say anything to you about your ability and intelligence?

I planted English ivy in the spring and it's dying!?

It gets alot of sun, is that the problem? I thought that ivy would grow any where..LOL any advice would be helpful. My dog loves to lie around in it and now she has none.

I planted English ivy in the spring and it's dying!?
Ivy grows well in shadier conditions. It doesn't need full sun

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why is an Ivy League School considered better?

Also what is the deffinition of Ivy League? Thanks!

Why is an Ivy League School considered better?
There are eight schools in the Ivy League -- which is an athletic conference:

Brown University

Columbia University

Cornell University

Dartmouth University

Harvard University

University of Pennsylvania

Princeton University

Yale University

These eight schools are all highly selective private schools -- most of which have been around since before the American Revolution.

They are better than most universities because they attract the best faculty, the best students and have large endowments. There are other universities (Duke, Stanford, MIT, Cal Tech, Chicago) that are considered as good.
Reply:Check out this article: The Truth about Ivy Leagues http://www.macquil.com/articles/ivyleagu...
Reply:cuz some beleive that liberal indoctrination is more important that true education

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I have poison ivy HELP?

it wont go away and i know for a fact its poison ivy because i get it every year. Put calamine lotion on the spots i had it and some of the spots went away but theres spots that are not going away and now are starting to puss. Do'es anyone have any suggestions on how to make it go away besides calamine lotion and oatmeal bathes???

I have poison ivy HELP?
Take the Homeopathic Remedy RHUS TOX in 200C potency take it thrice on the first day 6 hourly and after that just one dose a day RHUS TOX is infact "Poison Ivy" in potenized form, in 200 and higher potencies it antidotes effects of the plant. To read more about it please click the link below :-


Nothing works like Homeopathy.

Take Care and God Bless.
Reply:I read that you are supposed to wipe the area with alcohol as soon as possible after touching poison ivy. Also if you get it every year, I would think by know you should have recognized the plant and taken steps to avoid it. I have poison ivy growing in my backyard but since I have little punks that like to jump my fence I have let it grow. The last guy to go through there was in for a nasty surprise.

The more you are exposed to it the worse it becomes. The first time you come across it you may have nothing happen but continued contact will get worse each time, it adds up. So you really need to becareful . Once the blisters and pustules appear then it is to late to really do anything about it. If it gets progressively worse then you should see a doctor.
Reply:If you know you had contact with one of these plants, immediately wash areas of the skin that may have touched the plant. Sometimes the rash can be completely avoided by washing the affected areas with plenty of water within 10 or 15 minutes of contact.

To relieve itching and help dry blisters, apply wet compresses or soak the area in cool water. Antihistamine pills or calamine lotion may help relieve symptoms.

If you have a moderate to severe rash, you may need to see your health professional. He or she may prescribe corticosteroid pills. These medicines may help improve or clear up the rash more quickly. Prescription corticosteroid creams, ointments, shots, or gels may also be used, but pills or an injection are usually more effective.

A frequent complication of the rash is infection. When this occurs, your health professional will probably prescribe a type of topical (applied to the skin) antibiotic cream if the infection is in a small area. Otherwise, you may need systemic antibiotics given by injection or prescription pills.1To prevent infection, try not to scratch the rash, and cut your fingernails short to minimize the possibility of opening the skin and spreading bacteria.

Sounds like the area may be infected I would see your physician tomorrow to get a cream or oral antibiotic.
Reply:My mom SWEARS by that aloe-vera gel for sunburns. Make sure you get the stuff with LIDOCAINE in it. All I can figure is the alcohol content is high enough to dry up the poison ivy, and the lidocaine numbs it enough to make it quit itching. She gets poison ivy every single year, and we could never get rid of it without taking her in for Decadron shots and dosing her on Benadryl for days. This clears it up wthin a few days...Now she won't use anything but the aloe gel! She's got her sister using it too!

Reply:get some zinc oxide for it.
Reply:There is this one thing i use that's insanely effective on sunburns. It's called aloe vera gel and u can get it at walgreens. it's great because it immeadiately cools ur skin. just glop some on and apply vigorously.
Reply:Rhus Tox(Poison Ivy)200C or 200X or higher potency the fastest relief for Poison ivy.
Reply:puss is an indication of infection. keep it clean, keep the calamine on it, then consult your primary care physician! last thing you need is a big nasty scar from an infected wound that you kept shoving lotion in =P
Reply:Go to your doctor.

I get Poison Ivy almost every season, as I work outside for most of the year. I handle already cut brush and greenery, so you can't always ID the vine.

My doctor gives me an injection, and two script's, one for Hydrocortisone Cream and the other for steroids.

It goes away fairly fast. I quit doing oatmeal baths and calamine lotion years ago, since my doctor started the treatment I do now.

Poison Ivy near my private parts, clitoris?

I get poison ivy easily, even from the wind. I recently got it from touching a leaf and I must have had the oils on my hand while inserting tampons. I have a horrible itch around my clitoris and it looks a bit swollen.

I have poison ivy all over my face and legs right now as well. But I don't know what I can use on my privates, what is safe to put on, Hydrocortisone cream?

Poison Ivy near my private parts, clitoris?
You cannot get poison ivy from the wind!

It is safe to use the cortisone cream on your private parts. Good luck.

Pet Safe Weed Killer Specifically for Ivy?

I have a yard for of ivy (not poison ivy, mind you) that I would like to get rid of. Also, I have a dog. I need a natural weed killer that will not be harmful to my dog. Also, if it is a green product, that would be good too. Please help me!

Pet Safe Weed Killer Specifically for Ivy?
I know you asked for natural, but do you know that any of the chemicals are safe when they are dry? My dog has a yard that I spray 3 times a year, and he's alive and well after 11 year of spraying.
Reply:Go with vinegar. Watch it though it will drop your soil Ph.
Reply:You will need to physically remove whether it's dead or alive, it's easier if alive......
Reply:Try spraying vinegar on it.

I put this ivy plant in a water bottle with some water, and no air can get in or out, and its growing???

THe ivy that is in the water bottle has like 2inches of water in it, and no air can get in or out of it. And the plant started a new root???? how can this be? It has no carbon dioxide to live off of.. only pure oxogen im guessing? It has sunlight and water, and thats it!!

how can this be? its been like a month and it is still living!

I put this ivy plant in a water bottle with some water, and no air can get in or out, and its growing???
Plants don't breathe CO2 all the time. At night, when there is no sunlight for photosynthesis, they switch over and breathe oxygen, just like we do. So, my best guess is there's some sort of equilibrium the plant has created that is helping keep it alive. Obviously the balance of gasses in the bottle won't last forever and the plant will die off.

A better question is, why are you trying to kill the plant? Is it for a science experiment or something, or were you just curious? :3 Poor ivy plant! I shall call him Bob. Bob the survivor.
Reply:ivy is pretty hearty and invasive, it might be the strength of the plant, or possibly the water bottle isn't as sealed as you think it is, don't underestimate the power of the plant! lol
Reply:maybe it doesn't required the others


Why has my freshly transplanted English Ivy withered?

I dug up some English Ivy from my daughter's yard yesterday. They were nice big pieces that already had roots. I planted them in well prepared beds in a semi-shaded area and of course, watered them immediately. It rained today so I didn't have to water. The Ivy looks all withered, the leaves are limp and sort of curling in on themselves. Did I do something wrong? Although I have gardened for almost 20 years, I have no experience with Hedera Helix.

Why has my freshly transplanted English Ivy withered?
it should be fine. keep it moist until it gets established. the wind will also make it look wilted.
Reply:i didn't understand - did u water it when u planted or because it was raining u decided not to cos it was raining anyway? u always should water plants after planting them, no matter how hard and much it is raining - it is for earth to get rid of air. also if u took sprouts and it was for some time their roots were exsposed before u planted them u should have put them in a water first to get water tension. i suggest u cover them with plastic bag to get water retension back
Reply:one of several things could cause this, You maybe have transplanted into a spot with to high or to low of pH. You may not be watering enough, or you maybe be watering to much. Did you use any fertilizer? You may have burned the roots if the mix was to strong. Hope this helps a bit
Reply:It's probably just in shock which will wither the leaves and make them curl, most plants go into shock when you transplant them. In two or three days it should be fine...not to worry english ivy is a hardy plant it will fine. Just make sure to keep watering and not let the area dry out for the first 2 or 3 weeks. Hope this helps.
Reply:It should come out of it.....Just got a little shock maybe........

I want to go to an Ivy League school...?

I have the grades (5.0 baby), the scores and the community service, but I'm worried that since everyone else is so smart at the Ivy Leagues that I am going to get bad grades since things are graded on a curve.

I've heard from some that they curve things at Ivy League with a B+ being the average instead of C since everyone is so intelligent. Is this true?

I want to go to an Ivy League school...?
Most top universities are notorious for what is called "grade inflation." The average GPA at most top 25 schools these days is well over a 3.0, and at some campuses is over a B+.

However, not all classes will be curved in college. Furthermore, you may find that grading at top privates will be more generous than at top publics (Berkeley, Michigan, UCLA, UVA). To that end, if you are concerned with your undergrad GPA, then you may actually be better off at the top private university!

Still, your mileage may vary: Chicago is not known for its generous grading. Neither is Cornell or Caltech.
Reply:Yes. It isn't fair to admit a lot of terrific students and then end up failing half of them, ruining their chances for graduate school (of course, very few schools really have C averages these days, but the prestige schools generally do have higher curves).
Reply:Yes that is true. But I also have heard that at Harvard for example they have very good remediation programs if you get into trouble.



I have Poison Ivy and need it gone soon what should ido?

i need to get rid of poison ivy in like 2 days what the fastest and cheapest way to get rid of it?

I have Poison Ivy and need it gone soon what should ido?
Cut an orange in half. Rub the juice on the weeping sores. The citrus will dry up the moisture and stop the spread. Change your pillowcase each morning, Wear long pajamas with long sleeves to bed and change them each morning. wash your hand as often as possible and don't let anyone use your towels or facecloths-change these after each use. If you'd like to prevent recurrence, tale a teaspoon of LOCAL honey each day and by next spring, you won't get poison ivy ever again.
Reply:When my children were small i had no money to spare on over the counter meds. my Dr. knew this and told me the best cure for poison ivy i have ever seen. butter milk and salt. sounds awful i know!! but it really works. make it as thick as you like. no measure. just as long as it adheres to the skin. leave it on! try it! it works!
Reply:Poison ivy can take a week or more to clear up. If you want it gone faster than that you will need to get medical treatment.
Reply:ivy dry. =]