Monday, January 30, 2012

What Ivy league school should I try to get in at? PLEASE HELP!!?

I want one of my reach schools that I apply for to be an ivy league college, but I dont know which one would be best suited for what I want to major in . PLEASE HELP !! I want to be an environmental lawyer so I would take prelaw ,but major in somthing like environmental studies

What Ivy league school should I try to get in at? PLEASE HELP!!?
If you want to become a lawyer, the first thing you need to learn is how to do research! So start by checking the websites for the Ivy League schools to see which have majors in enviro studies and related fields, and what it takes to get in (all Ivy schools have pre-law).

Another strategy: pick the schools strongest in enviro studies, oceanography, some such, then go to Ivy League Law School.
Reply:sorry to be a downer here, but if you're going to try to get into an ivy league school you'd better make sure you don't have as many typos on your application as you do in the question you just asked.
Reply:Whichever ones will accept you and not put you in the poorhouse at the same time.

Poison Ivy spreading?

If i had poison ivy on my feet and put socks on, could i spread it by scratching my feet with the socks on. (on the outside of teh socks) i know it can spread through clothing, but can it spread if you touch it when it is under clothing?

Poison Ivy spreading?
If you've washed your feet since the poison ivy appeared, it cannot spread further. If a poison ivy blister bursts, the fluid from the blister is not "contagious".

I know that the itch from poison ivy is maddening. It's all over my property and I get it several times a year.

An over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or a cream with "Benadryl" it in will help the itching. Put the cream on your feet, then put the socks on.

If there are a lot of blisters or if you're scratching enough to cause bleeding and infection, a physician may be able to give you a steroid shot that will help considerably.
Reply:If you have the oil directly from the poison ivy plant (like if you had been walking in it), and you got some of that oil on your socks, yes you could spread it.

If you have the rash on your feet from poison ivy exposure, say a few days ago, and the little pistules are leaking, that won't spread the rash.

Which ivy league is best for an aspiring pharmacist?

I know to become a pharmacist, you have to take calculus and bio-chemistry, etc classes for two years in college. Then go to pharmacy school. So which ivy league college is the best for a person who wants to become a pharmacist?

Which ivy league is best for an aspiring pharmacist?
I'm actually not sure how common it is to do that...or at least, I didn't know a single person who was prepharm at my school. Usually if you attend an Ivy League school, you'd want to stay there for 4 years and graduate from that school.


Poison Ivy Swimwaer in ANTM cycle 4?

Does anyone know if there is a website for the designer line Poison Ivy that was featured in the finale of ANTM cycle 4? Thanks.

Poison Ivy Swimwaer in ANTM cycle 4?
i don't know of any websites but the stores they should be found at is Urban outfitters, Arden B., and Forever 21.

Posion Ivy help!?

Hey there, I have noticed for about a week that I have posion ivy and I have been putting calamine lotion on it and it seems that nothing is changing. So I have 2 questions:

(1) What else could I do to make it go away?


(2) If you take a shower, can it still spread?]

Thanks for your help!

Posion Ivy help!?
You may want to go to the doctor. I had some type of really weepy poison a few years ago and I made a nice thick paste with unflavored oatmeal and spread it on and covered it in towels a couple times a day.

I suppose it COULD spread in the shower, just don't wash it with the same poof or whatever you wash the rest of yourself with and you shouldn't have to worry.

You really should have it checked out since you have had it for a week with no improvement.
Reply:See the doctor. Prednisone tablets will get rid of it.
Reply:go to your doctor, they can give you a shot. That's what my mom has to do when she gets poison ivy.
Reply:tea tree oil will stop it from spreading. It dries it up.

If you've heard of homeopathy (maybe wiki it) you could use rhus tox which is homeopathic version of poison ivy and calendula cream, which is for rashes.

If you don't feel comfortable with that just use the tea tree oil, you can get that just about anywhere and its good for your skin. If you had put it on right after exposure you probably would have prevented the rash.

Poison ivy?

hi well i kinda did a dumb thing today me and my friend grabbed chunks of poison ivy and rubbed it on our arms.... yea not the smartest thing... well anyways how long does it take to see if you have it???

Poison ivy?
Poison Ivy juice from the leaves of the plant are oils that contain some acid. It should be evident within a few hours. One way to avoid this and also nettles is to wash the skin with water ASAP. This will allow the oils and acid to be diluted and hence no damage.
Reply:If you wash your hands with soap and water asap, there should be no problem. If the poison ivy has not shown up yet and you are still concerned, go see your doctor.

Posion Ivy..?

I have poison ivy on the side of my house. Does anyone know any home remedies that can get rid of it? If not, anything i can buy? We had it last year, we got rid of it, and i t came back

Posion Ivy..?
On Page 2 we discussed how to get rid of the rash caused by poison ivy. Now it's time to consider various methods to get rid of poison ivy itself, where it grows in your yard. The first question to ask is how to how to get rid of poison ivy safely.

Indeed, a word caution is in order, before discussing any actions to be taken to get rid of poison ivy on the landscape. When approaching poison ivy to engage it in battle, try to have as little of your skin exposed as possible, since it is through physical contact with poison ivy (all parts of it, including the roots) that the rash is contracted. At the very least, this means wearing gloves, long-sleeved shirt and full-length pants. Secondly, understand that any of the methods discussed below to get rid of poison ivy may have to be implemented more than once to achieve complete success.

One organic method used to get rid of poison ivy is to pull it out by the roots. The roots must be disposed of; do not burn! Inhaling fumes from burning poison ivy causes far greater health problems than just the rash caused by skin contact. Another natural method is to get rid of poison ivy by smothering it. Smothering entails cutting it back close to the ground, then placing newspapers, cardboard, old carpeting, tarps, mulch or some other covering on top of it. However, be aware that, even after you kill poison ivy plants, they remain toxic. So be careful in disposing of the roots of the dead vines after pulling back the smothering agent (even if you've waited for years).

Herbicides can also be used to get rid of poison ivy. Roundup spray is a popular glyphosate-based herbicide used to get rid of poison ivy. Another widely-available herbicide is Ortho Brush-B-Gon, which is triclopyr-based. These products will kill a great variety of woody plants, making them effective not only in getting rid of poison ivy, but also another nuisance vine: oriental bittersweet. But they will kill many other plants, too, so don't use them near specimens you wish to keep. If you choose to apply these herbicides by spraying, here's what to do:

You'll need a tank sprayer; mix the product with water, according to directions.

Apply when the poison ivy is fully leafed out.

Pick a day with little or no wind for spraying. Also, check your forecast: don't spray if rain is predicted at any time within the next 24 hours.

For poison ivy plant growing on the ground or on a wall, heavily spray the leaves and vines. Older poison ivy has large hairy vines -- another dead giveaway for identifying them.

For poison ivy climbing up a tree, you may wish to "paint" the herbicide on, so as to preclude damaging the tree with a stray mist from your sprayer.

Please consult eradication of poison ivy and oak for more information on how to get rid of poison ivy.

Recently, someone suggested getting a goat - a terrific idea for getting rid of poison ivy. Goats eat PI with no ill effects.

There are some downsides: they will also eat everything else they can reach, and depending on where you live, goats may make you unpopular with the neighbors.

This is the most commonly asked question, and not easy to answer.

If you rip it out by the roots you can catch a terrible case of poison ivy rash. It will likely grow back until you get every last bit of root. And you can't burn it because the smoke can get in your lungs and make you so sick you won't believe it. (We have a story on this.)

If you have it in a field and keep mowing it, it might give up and die, but be VERY careful about mowing it. When you grind up the leaves you create a nasty soup out of the leaves.

You could it off at the ground, let the vine die, and keep cutting it off till it gives up and dies. This could take a few years.

You might be able to cover a ground vine with black plastic until it dies. But you'll need to plant something else right away or it will come roaring back.

You can spray with broadleaf herbicide, but you risk killing lots of harmless plants and who knows what else. But I once knew a dedicated organic gardener that came to borrow our sprayer and poison because her land was so massively infested with it she just couldn't live with it. In the end, many situations call for wise use of a product like Roundup.

Most counties in America have some sort of County Extension Agent that can give you advice about how to handle it in your particular situation.

What's good about Poison Ivy?

Poison ivy does have its good points:

? It feeds wild birds and animals who eat it without ill effects.

? It holds the earth very well against erosion near the ocean.

? Native Americans had medical uses for it.

And we probably don't know enough about it to know what is it's true value for nature or for man.

What are some good Poison Ivy books?

All of these books give a nice overview of the subject - and all are hard to find. I got them from Amazon.

1. Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac and their relatives...

by Edward Frankel, Ph.D.

This one has more science and botany.

2. The Poison Ivy, Oak %26amp; Sumac Book

by Thomas E. Anderson

Solid all around. Everything you need to know.

3. Outwitting Poison Ivy AND Nature's Revenge

by Susan Carol Hauser

These are the SAME book, so don't buy both. They have good history and personal stories.

4. Poison Ivy Pets and People

A new book by Heidi Rattner Connolly and Randy Connolly available through Amazan.
Reply:It does that....

If you don't have a huge patch of it, I find the best way to get rid of it is to wear long sleeves, long pants and gloves and pull it out by the roots.

If you cut it off at the ground level, it will come back, but if you keep doing it, the plant will eventually die.

You can use powerful herbicides, but poison ivy is tough and needs extra strength versions -- I don't like having these around the house.

Always dispose of poison ivy in the trash. Don't try to compost it or burn it.
Reply:They do now have something in Walmart--a liquid spray I'm not sure what it was called but it said poison ivy killer right on the front of the bottle--it was alittle expensive tho if I remember--like $12 for a bottle that wasn't too big--but if you're like me--and get poison ivy just by walking by it lol--it's worth it if you don't have a real big area to do. Good luck!
Reply:The two herbicides most commonly used for poison ivy--Roundup and Ortho Poison Ivy Killer--will kill other plants as well. Spraying Roundup (active ingredient glyphosate) on the foliage of young plants will kill the poison ivy, but if the poison ivy vine is growing up your prize rhododendron or azalea, for example, the Roundup will kill them too.

Ortho Poison Ivy Killer (active ingredient triclopyr), if used sparingly, will kill poison ivy but not trees it grows around. But don't use it around shrubs, broadleaf ground cover, or herbaceous garden plants. It is possible to spray the poison ivy without killing other plants if you pull the poison ivy vines away from the desirable plants and wipe the ivy foliage with the herbicide, or use a shield on the sprayer to direct the chemical. If you don't want to use chemicals, manual removal will get rid of the ivy if you're diligent. You must get every bit of the plant--leaves, vines, and roots--or it will sprout again. Wear plastic gloves over cotton gloves when pulling the plants. Plastic alone isn't enough because the plastic rips, and cotton alone won't work because after a while the urushiol (active irritant in the plant) will soak through.


Poisen ivy! HELP?

Okay, today I noticed that my arms itch, my neck itches, and my face a lil bit, and my arms are kinda red and my leg itches, and it looks like theres a small bug bite on my leg that itches really bad. Now I'm freakin out cause I have a date saturday and what if it spreads really bad by then and i cant go:(, i don't know anything about poisen ivy. Please help. I HAVE to go on saturday cause I was suppose to go last weekend but i couldnt then. How bad will it be before saturday?

Poisen ivy! HELP?
Poisen Ivy comes in whelps it doesnt look like bug bites.

i get it like 5 times every year. Oatmeal baths help
Reply:the best thing I have ever found is Zanfel... you can find it at pharmacies like Walgreens or larger megamarts! It's about $30 but it's more than worth it! All you do is shower with it once or twice a day or whenever you start to itch and it clears it up better than any other lotion I have ever used. Trust me I am highly allergic to poison ivy and this is the best thing I've ever found!
Reply:Go to a doctor tomorrow and get a steroid shot. It will clear it up in no time. To stop the itch and help it stop it from spreading, take some benadryl and put some oatmeal in an old sock. Tie the top of the sock to keep the oatmeal in and take a bath with it. Use the sock like you would a wash cloth. No soap.

And there is also IVY DRY!! That stuff works wonders.

We live in a place where we have several- SEVERAL outbreaks of poison Ivy a year. We have three kids and lots of poison ivy plants all over the place.

Trust me. Try doing one or more of the things I suggested. To get rid of it quiclkly, do the bath and take some benadryl tonight, get the shot in the morning at your local clinic (I am positive they have it) and buy a bottle of IVY Dry from your local pharmacy tomorrow after you get out of the doctor's office.

I promise I am telling you something that works.
Reply:1.make sure that when you wash it in the shower not to use a wash clothe just put the soap on your hands, a wash clothe will spread it around

2.dont wear the same clothes for to long

3.and last go to a pharmacy and buy some calamine lotion, it works really good to stop itching

and if it gets really bad go to a doctor to get perscription medicine

Poison Ivy Help?

Does anyone know an at home treatment for Poison ivy with household items that gets rid of the blisters rather quickly. Pease help!!

Poison Ivy Help?
I learned this from my grandmother and it has worked for poison ivy and many other things like burns. Use aloe vera. You could use the plant or by cream at pharmacies over the counter. Trust me it works. You could also check out this website: if you don't want to use the home remedies you could just ask your doctor for the best answer. Hope it gets better
Reply:Bleach? I think you have to get the OIL offa your skin. I think don't take a bath as that will disperse the oil %26amp; it can get ALL OVER you! You should do some internet research as you can pick the best home remedy based on what you have on hand. It can get horrible without intervention!

we love this site for home remedies....
Reply:Bleach water. Put some in the tub and soak if needed. Or try going swimming in a pool. The Chlorine helps a great deal.

remember...NO Scratching!!!!lol!!!

Poison ivy....?

iam pregnant and have poison ivy.. does anyone know what i CAN use that is SAFE for the baby?

Poison ivy....?
Cut an orange in half. Rub the juice side on the weeping sores. This will dry up the moisture and keep it from spreading. Try to wear pajamas to bed and change them each day. Change the pillowcase too. Shower and use a towel only once. Don't let anyone else use your towel or face cloth. Wash your hands as often as you can and don't touch your eyes.
Reply:Zanfel poison ivy wash and calamine lotion is safe when pregnant. I wouldn't risk the corticosteroids while your pregnant.
Reply:The product is called Dr West's Poison Ivy Skin Cleanser. Yesterday I was wood cutting and forgot about some poison ivy on my left side of where I was cutting. When I awoke this am I knew immediatly why a hand sized spot on my left fore arm was inflamed and itching like mad. I had bought some of Dr Wests product about 2 years ago and it seemed to work then on smaller instances of poison ivy. I was not sure about the shelf life so now was the real challenge. So, I treated the large area on my arm about 10 times within 45 minutes this morning. As I write this the poison ivy is almost totally gone except for a little redness. IT TOTALLY WORKS! From what I remember this product just deactivated the oils in the poison ivy and does it naturally. The phone number on the bottle I have is 18774DRWEST or you can find it in this list:

I find it amazing how cures to things come along and unless they are 'blessed' by the medical community they do not see the light of day.

I will be keeping this stuff in my medicine cabnet. Good luck!

Poison ivy?

how long does it take for poison ivy to go to clear up.?

Poison ivy?
Depends on badly you got it and how you treat it. Usually 3 or 4 days.

movie theatre

Planting Ivy Runners?

How do I plant English Ivy runners? Is it tedious trying not to cover the leaves? Do I just plant the ends only or do I put the entire length of the cutting under the dirt?

Planting Ivy Runners?
Lay the stems down and toss some dirt on them. The roots will start and you don't have to worry about dirt on the leaves.

Poison Ivy?

I was in my neighbor's backyard and there was poison ivy in the back about 5 inches up. I washed my feet shoes and the jeans I was wearing and my hands. There was a ball too but I don't think it touched it. If the ball touched my face and my shirt should I was those too?

-thanks for all your answers!

Poison Ivy?
if ur not allergic to it it wont do anything just in cace u shld wash it

Posion Ivy?!?

Okay i got posion ivy tuesday morning, and its in the inside of my thighs, and liek kinda on the side of my face.., anyways, like i went to the docters, and like i got medicine to stop it from spreading, and like cream. okay but like i want it to go down alot by friday, and todays wedneday, does anyone have any really good tricks to help it go down, because like i cant stand it, make it less red, and like go down alot!

thanks alot!

Posion Ivy?!?
you say like alottt!!

when i had posion ivy just dont touch it; continue to put the medicine on and if it starts to bother you put some ice on it and will go down that way.
Reply:Calamine lotion....take it from an old hunter....calamine lotion cures poison ivy, poison oak and all kinds of irritations mama nature throws at ya. Its pink.

Poison ivy......I'm goin' crazy!!!!?

What is the quickest way to get rid of poison ivy? I'm itchy...

Poison ivy......I'm goin' crazy!!!!?
go to the doctor.. or buy some magical rash elixar...duh


Poison Ivy and Poison Oak...?

We just discovered that my 7 year old daughter may have poison ivy or poison oak . Is it contagous to others ? Can she still go to school?

Poison Ivy and Poison Oak...?
Wow, some of these people are really wrong. No, Poison ivy and Oak rashes are NOT contagious to others. Other people in the family may get the rash if they have touched the clothes or upholstery that had the plant oils on it though.

If it is really from one of these plants, she will probably be too uncomfortable and itchy to go to school- don't just take her to the pediatrician, take her to a dermatologist if you can. They will decide whether her rash is from a plant or bug bites, also they will have the correct treatment, such as possibly a cortisone shot and some high-strength cortisone cream. I have seen regular doctors treat the rash with their best guess, which is often wrong. I'd go to the skin specialist before it gets worse. If she scratches at it, it could become infected also.

Soap and water will not work to remove the plant oils from items unless it is Fels-Naptha Laundry soap- this is in a bar-soap form and contains a solvent which breaks down the oils. Wash her things separately on hot in the wash machine with the Fels Naptha.

Dont worry, you can still hug her. Her weepy rash can't affect you. She has not suddenly become toxic.
Reply:Poison ivy(oak) isn't a disease but it CAN be transmitted to others. It is an oil that comes from the plant and causes the skin to react. If you don't clean off all of the oil then she can share the oil with others.

All you need to do to be safe is wash the area REALLY good with soap and water. We used dishsoap when I was dealing with poison oak.

After the oil is gone for sure, send her to school with a note explaining that her rash is poison oak or ivy.
Reply:Usually not contagious to others. She got it from the oil of the plant. The only way someone could possibly get it is if they got some of her rashy fluid on an open sore %26amp; then that is highly unlikely. Be sure it does not become infected. The doctor can give her something that will help a lot.

Believe me - I have had it several horrible times!
Reply:the oils from the plant may spread try not to rub it she should still go to school just cover it up.You can buy cream from your local store to help also

Poison Ivy Help?

Does anyone have any home remedies that work for poison ivy? I am alternating benedryl cream, cortozone cream and calamine w/benedryl. I also have a presciption that is for any infection, but I'm ready to rip my arm off, any suggestions are appreciated!

Poison Ivy Help?

Well you have to be carefull with all those creams. I use Tee Tree oil on my sons fingers. It really dried it up quickly but the infected area almost looks burned. There are different strengths of Tee Tree oil, I would try one that is diluted first.

Good luck!
Reply:yea, i had poison ivy a while ago, what worked the best was some spray called like ivy-be-gone or something like that, all i know is that since my dad is a doctor, he says that sprays work the best...good luck!
Reply:Take a bath in Tomatoe and ALoe Vera.
Reply:If you haven't seen any improvement doing the things that you are doing in about 3-4 days, I'd go back to the doctor for a shot. As I've gotten older, the usual remedies seem to be diminishing in their effectiveness. The last time I got poison ivy it took a shot + pills + creams to clear it up.

Poison ivy?

i am pretty positive i have poison ivy all over my back and on my arms a little whole too ....... i got it about 3 days ago. what do i do??

Poison ivy?
get some cream that stops the itch.
Reply:go and purchase some over the counter cream from safeway, CBS, etc...
Reply:calamine lotion... the pink stuff it will dry it out also keep it clean because it will ooze the oil and stuff from it so try to keep it dry

Poison Ivy complications?

I am severely allergic to poison ivy.I have it all over my face,and my eyes are swelling shut.My throat also feels like it may be swelling closed.....maybe just my discomfort? I got it because my neighbors were burning the other day,and must have been burning wood with p.i.on it..The smoke was going through my yard,when i went out to get the mail.Should i go to the ER?

Poison Ivy complications?
yes, at least get to a doctor, it is posable to get p.i. in your lungs from the smoke of burning it. even with out that i may self am severly alergic to it also, and have had to be put on rather strong drugs for it. i guess now thay also might do a shot in the effected area but i dont know how well that would work over such a large area. and just a tip that saved my sanity, for i found that none of the creams or lotions worked for me. submerge or use a washcloth to apply hot water to the infected area. make the water as hot as you can stand. the heat will atfirst make it itch much worse but that will fade quickly. for me hot water would relive the itch for 4-6 hours or so while i would use the cream every hour or 2.
Reply:YES, EMERGENCY ROOM, this could be anaphalyatic shock, which can cause your airways to close.

If possible take a Tbsp of Benedryl then go to the hospital, they will give you a shot or Epinephrine which will open the airway, and then they can give you something to treat the Poison Ivy.

Good Luck!

fabric boot

Does IVY QUEEN "Martha Ivelisse Pesante have kids.?

i was just wondering i found out her birthday and shes a year older than my mom. im 17yrs old. and i thought she might have kids. cuz u kno if ur moms ivy queen la caballota thats pretty cool.

Does IVY QUEEN "Martha Ivelisse Pesante have kids.?
Ivy Queen was married to rap producer and vocalist Omar Navarro (Gran Omar), who she met in 1995, when she was part of The Noise. They have an adopted daughter together (who is actually her niece).

Poison ivy or poison oak?

I think my son got into poison ivy or oak. Does anyone know any good treatments?

Poison ivy or poison oak?
if he has a bad case take him to the doctor/ they usually prescribe prednisone/ calamine or caladryl works well to stop itching temporarily/ if he takes a shower have him take a cool one/ as warm water opens the pores and can cause more spreading. ice packs help with itching also/ there is no real cure for poison ivy or oak
Reply:Baking soda bath helps with itching. I use to get when I was a child and believe it or not, white liquid shoe polish worked wonderfully!!
Reply:Apply calamine lotion or baking soda and water paste [to the infected area]. Tell him not to scratch. If he's got blisters DON'T allow him to pop them. If they burst keep the area clean %26amp; dry. Cover with a bandage. If his rash doesn't go away two weeks or if the rash is on his face or eyes, see his doctor. Hope this works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Calamine Lotion, or Caladryl or Benedryl all work pretty good
Reply:Wash him very throroughly with Fels Naptha soap to remove all the oil. There's also a product called Tec-Nu that you can get in drugstores.
Reply:I have never had this but I believe you can try one of the following: honey, baking soda bath (mix room temperature water with 1/2 cup of baking soda), white distilled vinegar, the old fashioned white shoe polish (the kind you shake up, acts like calamine lotion). Take into considerations things like skin allergies before randomly applying things to the infected area. Rubbimg the rash is not likely to spread the rash to others or other parts on your sons body unless the sticky substance is left on the hands, so check for this.
Reply:Paste of baking soda and water if it's not too bad, otherwise see doctor.

Are ther any types of trees that can be planted among english IVY?

Nearly the entire back of my yard is covered with IVY. It was pre-existing whe I bought my house. The Ivy is also in my neighbors yard, if I mow it, it will creep back from their yard. I know Ivy can be harmful to trees. I have 7 or 8 trees already growing in the Ivy. Mostly Oak %26amp; Maples w/ one Pine- but they seem to be somewhat affected by the Ivy's growth.. I cut the Ivy off them yearly, but it climbs fairly fast. I'm looknig for tree's or shrubs that will no be severly affected growing in Ivy. What can I do with that area? I was thinking maybe Holly?

Are ther any types of trees that can be planted among english IVY?
Basically, any tree or shrub can grow in the ivy, but with any type there are basically two problems you can't get away from . One you already know and you're doing the right thing about it, keeping the ivy from climbing up and choking them (but I would do it more often). What is also happening is the ivy is competing for water and nutrients the other trees need to be strong and healthy. With shrubs it can be more difficult to maintain the ivy than around trees, but in either case it's good to maintain a distance of 18-24" away from them to give them their space and you won't have to be cutting it back every day.

Poisioin ivy?

I am 13 and when i was younger i sue to never get poision ivy, now ive beenn getting it all the time, and now i have it on my lips and its amking my lips chapped, what should i do?

Poisioin ivy?
use calamine lotion on the effected area. Next time you touch it wash it off as soon as possible since it takes 10 to 20 minutes to bind to the cells. You also should wash all of your clothes especialy your shirts since they're the most likly source on the distinfect setting but this uses high tempetures so be careful and read the washing instructions on the clothes. also, right after you put them in take a nice shower and scrub your whole body get better soon.
Reply:put caladryl lotion on it. its clear and use enough so your lips look shiny. and everytime it dries up put more on it. it will be gone in 2 days

mobility scooter

GPA...Ivy League...SAT?!?!?

Will a 2380 SAT compensate for a 3.75 out of 4 unweighted GPA when applying to Ivy league colleges? It's 3.75 b/c I failed freshman year but got a 3.85 sophmore and a 4.0 junior GPA.

GPA...Ivy League...SAT?!?!?
Wow, I would kill for your SAT score. But not for your GPA. No offense, but I prefer mine...

As for your application, make sure you have more than just scores. They want to see depth to you, so try doing other stuff.

I've heard that people with perfect scores sometimes don't get in. Remember, a lot of people are applying too, and have perfect scores too. So, make sure you also have back up schools.
Reply:Those reading the application could interpret the "relatively" low GPA as a sign of laziness, but in this case since it improved year-to-year you'll probably be OK in that regard.

Of course, the Ivy Leagues want strong SATs, GPA/ranks, AND SAT Subject Tests. Hope you have all of that and more...academic awards, leadership examples, great essay, community service, extracurriculars, etc.

Do consider other schools as well, just to be sure!
Reply:Yeah, you should be OK, your SAT and current performance show your potential. Just be prepared to explain what happened Freshman year in both your application essays and in your interview. Given this twist to your record, I'd recommend interviewing on campus.
Reply:I think some schools disregard freshman year grades in their decisions anyway

Poison ivy/oak questions....?

I went to tidy up the family burial plot. I found that two bushes were infested with both poison ivy and oak. I had pruning clippers and leather work gloves so I went to work. The bushes were too thick to pull the vines out by the root so I clipped them as close as possible.

1) No doubt the vines will come back. How can I permanently kill them?

2) Will the poison stay in my leather gloves? If so, how can I get rid of it?

Poison ivy/oak questions....?
The vines can be gotten rid of using a product by Ortho that is made specifically to get rid of poison ivy and oak. I have used, and it took 3 sprayings over the last summer, but it did get rid oof all the poison ivy and poison ok that was on our property.

As for the gloves, there is a soap product called TechNu. My doctor recommended it, as I react badly to poison ivy. You can wash with it, as well as add it to your clothes wash to remove and neutralize the poison ivy/oak oils that may be in the gloves. Yes, you can wash the gloves, but they will harden a bit as they dry, and if they are dyed, they may lose their color. There's not much to do about the color loss, but you can soften the gloves buy rubbing the over a rounded surface until they soften up.

I hope this helps.
Reply:Just an addendum, the roots are toxic too--for up to 18 months--so if you dig them up-even though you've killed the plant (hopefully) the volatile oil is still present in the root.
Reply:Throw the gloves out don't burn them as the smoke will carry the poison ivy and oak possibly to infect you or others.

You could get some Roundup from Wal-mart or go to your nearby farm store for some spray that will effectively kill the vines. You may have to treat 2 times if you miss some the 1st time.
Reply:There is not much you can do to keep the vines from growing back with out harm to the bushes. Sorry. The gloves should be thrown away. Some people are very alergic to the poison. IE ME. Just get rid of them.
Reply:Getting Rid of the Plants

Poison ivy, oak and sumac are most dangerous in the spring and summer, when there is plenty of sap, the urushiol content is high, and the plants are easily bruised. However, the danger doesn't disappear over the winter. Dormant plants can still cause reactions, and cases have been reported in people who used the twigs of the plant for firewood or the vines for Christmas wreaths. Even dead plants can cause a reaction, because urushiol remains active for several years after the plant dies.

If poison ivy invades your yard, "there's really no good news for you," says David Yost, a horticulturist (specialist in fruits, vegetables, flowers, and general gardening) with the state of Virginia. The two herbicides most commonly used for poison ivy--Roundup and Ortho Poison Ivy Killer--will kill other plants as well. Spraying Roundup (active ingredient glyphosate) on the foliage of young plants will kill the poison ivy, but if the poison ivy vine is growing up your prize rhododendron or azalea, for example, the Roundup will kill them too, he says.

Ortho Poison Ivy Killer (active ingredient triclopyr), if used sparingly, will kill poison ivy but not trees it grows around, says Joseph Neal, Ph.D., associate professor of weed science, Cornell University. "But don't use it around shrubs, broadleaf ground cover, or herbaceous garden plants," he says. Neal explains it is possible to spray the poison ivy without killing other plants if you pull the poison ivy vines away from the desirable plants and wipe the ivy foliage with the herbicide, or use a shield on the sprayer to direct the chemical.

If you don't want to use chemicals, "manual removal will get rid of the ivy if you're diligent," says Neal. You must get every bit of the plant--leaves, vines, and roots--or it will sprout again.

The plants should be thrown away according to your municipality's regulations, says Neal. Although urushiol will break down with composting, Neal doesn't recommend that because the plants must be chopped into small pieces first, which just adds to the time you're exposed to the plant and risk of a rash. "It's a health issue," he says.

Never burn the plants. The urushiol can spread in the smoke and cause serious lung irritation.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that whenever you're going to be around poison ivy--trying to clear it from your yard or hiking in the woods--you wear long pants and long sleeves and, if possible, gloves and boots.

Neal recommends wearing plastic gloves over cotton gloves when pulling the plants. Plastic alone isn't enough because the plastic rips, and cotton alone won't work because after a while the urushiol will soak through.
Reply:You can get a brush killer spray, I got one at Lowes, they all work well and will kill to the roots.

The oil is what gives you the skin rash. You will have to wash the gloves with soapy water to remove the oil. If you get the oil on you. Wash it off within 20 minutes or it has already been absorbed into your skin cells.

I currently have poison ivy rash on my legs and arms. My wife is a doctor, she also has the rash. The info on the oil is from a dermatologist friend. We have been researching ways to combat the massive poison ivy infestation of our yard, and the spray is the best way.

Good Luck!

Poison Ivy PROBLEM!?

My friend got poison ivy and has had it for a week.Its all over her face and it started to swell up.Now its getting realy serious and im getting woried...its swelling up on both cheeks now very severly where she almost cant talk! Please help!!!!

Poison Ivy PROBLEM!?
She needs to go to her doctor or Urgent Care yesterday.
Reply:frist go to doctor now!

Poison ivy?

I got poison ivy on my feet and was wearing sandals. Is it ok to wash the sandals thoroughly and wear them or do I need to throw them out?

Poison ivy?
I agree with the first guy. The allergen in Poison Ivy, urushiol, sticks to skin like mad but not much else. Any detergent should work fine, I had to clean out a large patch last year and had no relapses from improperly cleaned equipment.

No other animal is allergic to poison ivy, and goats love to eat it.

Nature's little joke. I am truly sorry for the pain you're goig through; I have been there too.
Reply:Yeah, you can wash them, just use a larger amount of detergent then you'd normally use. You want to make sure that the soap breaks down any oil from the Poison Ivy plant.

Also, if you can find it, get yourself a bar of Fels Naptha soap, make a really frothy lather and apply it to the areas you have blisters and let it dry, this helps dry out the poison ivy and the quicker you can do that, the quicker you will recover!

The last time I had poison ivy, I had it everywhere I had skin! (Yes, even there!)

children boots

Poison Ivy?

What are some home remedies for poison ivy?

Poison Ivy?
Best things for poison ivy or oak is benadryl by mouth and calamine lotion topically. If it is too bad-you can go to the doctor who may give you a shot of Solumedrol and may give you a Medrol dose back for a week-that will dry it right up! Good luck to ya.
Reply:wash your clothing that you were wearing not with the other clothes take and wash where you have the posion ivy and dont touch youe eyes then put on calmine lotion on and if that dont help go to the er room.
Reply:For milder cases (not when it's swollen, blistering and oozing) I've found that running hot water over it greatly reduces the itching. Not hot enough to burn but hot enough to be slightly uncomfortable. For me it's been a foolproof method. Benadryl by mouth is helpful (but don't use the cream). Otherwise you just have to let it run its course. If it's widespread, severe and gets around your eyes go to the doctor. They can give you a corticosteroid shot or steroid pills. It won't dry it up but it will stop the itching, burning and swelling. Good luck.
Reply:Good luck, if you don't get rid of it within just a few days you need to go to the ER. I tried some poison ivy lotion stuff from the grocery store and it did nothing for me. The doctor ended up giving me pills to take and a lotion to put on it and it still took several days for things to start going away.
Reply:get some epsom salt and put some in a very little water to make it like a paste and then wrap it in a bandage wrap over night then it should be gone over night try this first

Poison ivy? help identify?

Can you look at these photos and tell me which one is poison ivy?

Poison ivy? help identify?
It looks like pictures two and four could both possibly be poison ivy. You can go and compare photos and get more info. Poison Ivy always has three leaves and is not symetrical. Whatever you do, don't cut it out with a chainsaw, mower or weedeater. I'm still paying for that mistake! You'll need to use poison ivy killer and let it work for at least 24-48 hours to kill the roots, then in biohazard fashion, remove the dead top growth. The uroshoil (sp?) of anything it touches (including pet hair) can remain active for a year or longer.
Reply:Leaves of three, let it be.
Reply:Two of them are, the second one and the fourth one. You can get sprays to kill them. Once they are dead, just leave them there and if you want to burn them, don't, that will screw you eyes and nose up pretty bad.

You might do yourself a favor when spraying them and put about a teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent - like Palmolive, to cut through a wax that would be on the strongest leaves. That will allow the spray to work better.
Reply:looks like 1242 1245 is.
Reply:# 2 and #4 are poison ivy. There's some in #1 too. #3 and #5 are something else.

English ivy vs. Blackberry bushes?

Here in the Seattle area, we have two invasive plants that seem to grow without bounds over everything, english ivy and blackberry bushes. So I got to wondering, if both of these plant predators are in the same spot of land growing against each other, which plant species would eventually dominate and choke the other one out?

English ivy vs. Blackberry bushes?
I agree -- the Ivy would probably win!! But YOU would be the loser!! Ivy harbors rats and snails!! Blackberries you can eat!!

Good Luck!!
Reply:i live inEverett,and i know the black berries come shining through the ivy.good question!
Reply:The ivy would win that one. It would climb and cover the bushes.

Poison ivy help?

I have posison ivy really badly. Are you supposed to cover it up or expose it to air?

Poison ivy help?
Don't cover it up. I strongly suggest you go to either a regular md or a dermatologist %26amp; get some poison ivy cream. Sometimes they can even give you a free sample. You will heal much faster. Good luck.
Reply:You can use calamine lotion (pink or white stuff) to help control the itching and sooth the area.

You can also go to a dermatologist and get a cortisol shot if it is really bad.

Don't cover it up though, as that will irritate the area and make it worse. Try soaking in an oatmeal bath and air drying.

good luck
Reply:Put wet clay on it and let it dry then rub it off and the poison Ivy will be gone
Reply:Go to a doctor, you may need steroid cream to reduce the swelling, and then the doctor will either give or prescribe to you a good ointment.

And dont scratch!!!!
Reply:try aloe vera gel in a tube...

try naptha soap

expose it to the air.

try benedryl

If really really bad-see a doctor for a shot


Poison ivy?

Please help me, I was exposed to poison ivy two weeks ago, 2 days later i broke out in a rash on ym arm that has spread ever since to my stomach neck and other arm. How is it spreading? When will this go away?

I have tried everything: homeopathic: failed; large doses of vitamin C: failed; vitamin E: failed; Tecnu: doesn't work. etc....

In addition, benedryl just helps with the itching a bit but doesn't alleviate the rash, how do i get rid and clear up this rash as soon as humanly possible? I feel like there are so many false remedies out there, what really works? What will clear this up? I have become quite depserate....

Poison ivy?
I've been through this many times. I don't have a perfect solution. I use benadryl as per instructions, as many as it says I can. Thats the inside. For the outside get 1% cortisone creme (over the counter) and apply it to the affected areas several times a day (with or without a bandage). Then carefully wash the rash each evening before bed (cool water), or the creme will build up and get gunky. Maybe bandage with fresh creme at night.

For me, poison Ivy seems to follow this schedule. It all shows up in the first 7 days. The blisters all peak in the second seven days. It all starts to dry up pretty good in the third seven days. And it is about all gone by the end of the fourth seven days (maybe a little temporary scaring will remain. Try the vitamen E on the scaring).

Scratching spreds it to other locations, it really does (and extends the above schedule). Once you have the liquid on your hands you can spread it to were you touch. Like your face and privates. Be careful

Learn to identify the different forms of the plant and where it grows. It is our only real defense.

I think Avon (or sombody) makes a Poison Ivy off. It helps, preventatively, some (with bentonite).

If any area is just layer on layer of blisters, go to the doctor! He can use stronger stuff.

Best I can do. LOLv
Reply:the ivy spreads from rubbing ans scraching the area. the little blissters pop and the fluid is spread to other spots. when you get put of the bath or better yet shower pat dry and put white shoe polish on the affected area over night and during the day if you can this will dry it up . it helps with poison ivy and oak diper rash bed sores and any thing that has to do with a heat rash
Reply:take a bath in warm bleach water.. be sure to scrub the rash areas really well, it needs to dry up, so that it will stop spreading. The oils from the ivy is what caused you to break out, so dry it up. If the itching is helped by the benedryl, then keep using that for a few more days
Reply:yeah, try this..touch the poison ivy with your hands..and rub your fingers around your'l sting but its morning you'l look like a chinese guy.
Reply:go to da doctor!!!get those cream thingy!!
Reply:try calamine lotion and if that don't help see the doctor. it can spread when blisters pop,
Reply:I usually have to go to the Dr's and get put on prednisone, it's a form of steroid, but, is effective in sever reactions to plant and drug (serum)related outbreaks.

or, you can go to your local pharmacy and by Ivy Stat, it's expensive, but it really works. I used this the last time and didn't need the prednisone, JOY!!!

The oils on the plant is what causes it to spread, keep your hands clean, all the time, thoroughly wash all clothes that came in contact with this plant, they might have the oil on them!!!

And don't take a bleach bath, for goodness sake, hello!! You can take an oatmeal bath to relieve the itching and help dry it up, but avoid bleaching, it could be harmful, especially to your already sensitive skin!!

Also, the cooler you keep the exposed area, the less it itches, honest, I would use cool compresses on the real bad outbreaks!!! It would help a lot, besides, my Dr told me about it, and it really helped..
Reply:Dude,use brake cleaner, but I dont know about all your other areas.

Poison ivy on lip!!! help!!!?

yes im sure it is poison ivy, i have a little on my chin too. it's on my top lip, and it is really nasty. it is just a little bumpy now, but i don't want it getting any bigger.

i got it from my dog because she ran in it and then scratched me, it has happenend several times before.

usualy i use rubbing achol(however it is spelled) but it is on my lip, and i'm not sure what i can put on it.

I havn't been scratching it, and i don't plan to. usualy i get rid of it by drying it out, so thats what i'm doing. if it doesn't get better by the weekend, i will try to go to the doctor.

I play the french horn, and it isn't too easey to play like this, lucklly it is summer, so i don't have anything to work on. But the longer i go without playing, the harder it is to play again.


Poison ivy on lip!!! help!!!?
i had this happen to me last summer. use caladryl you can buy it at wal-mart and put it on at least six times a day (that'll dry it out). after you're done putting it on wash your hands with dish liquid so that you aren't spreading the posion ivy all over. if it doesn't go away within like 5 or 6 days go see a doctor. good luck! oh and drink your drinks through straws!
Reply:mix some baking soda,oatmeal,and water (equal parts) til pasty and pat it on.Keep it coated well and it should clear in about 3 days.
Reply:what ever you do don't like your lips you have to see a doctor right away it could cause infections.... anywhere basically when you eat it could touch you lip and you swallow it and especially when you drink you need to go to a doctor right away.
Reply:go see a doctor and Put some ice on it to keep it from swelling
Reply:IvyDry is sold at Walgreens and most pharmacies...also at WalMart, I believe. This stuff will dry it up really fast and relives the itch. You might also try hydrocortisone cream as it is also drying and itch relieving

The Ivy...?

Have any of you been to the Ivy in L.A. If was it? See anyone good? Let me know...Thanks!*

The Ivy...?
The food quality is average.

The restaurant is way over priced!

Great patio, Great Location

The service is too much! They watch you like Hawks

It is a typical "Wanna" be Los Angeles Institition.

I recommend SPAGO all the way!
Reply:it was okay. the food is over priced and over rated. i've been a couple of times with my cousin. i saw cameron diaz, halle berry, and some chick from 90210.
Reply:its pretty good, i like the food and atmosphere...

i saw cameron diaz and justin timberlake
Reply:The Ivy is overrated. You're more likely to see celebs at Roscoe's on La Brea. The paparazzi don't even hang out across the street anymore.
Reply:Over priced, overrated, over done and average food I could have cooked better.
Reply:drove by with my neice from outta town and almost ran over some stalkratzi with a camera-crazy. Only driving by, so no, didnt see anyone, but Ive seen more stars in random places than that 'come see me eat' place.

I saw Billy Bob Thronton at some Italian place in Malibu I was having lunch at. Saw Paul Reiser (Mad About You) at a pet store while I was out buying a feeder fish. Saw Lionel Ritchie in a hotel valet parking lot while I was waiting for a friend. Saw the lady who played Mrs. G on Facts of Life at Neptune's Net while I was getting a beer and some fish and chips. I also saw Juila Roberts at Pavillions, shopping for grocries.

If you want to see movie starts, go to the movies.

Posion Ivy?

i have discovered i have posion ivy...what can i do to prevent it from spreading..and how contagious is it?

Posion Ivy?
Poison Ivy can be very contageous, especially if your rash is oozing. The first thing you want to do is dry your poison ivy out...there are a few products for that from calamine lotion to ivy dry. I recommend the ivy dry, it's a great product and works quite well. To help with the itching, you can take oral benadryl (will make you tired). If the rash is really itchy, you can also put hydrocortisone cream on it (as long as the area isn't oozing with open wounds) or you can also put something cool on it to stop the itch. Either a cool washcloth or even a frangrence free lotion in the fridge to get it cold and apply it. Hope you're feeling better soon...
Reply:here is a product called Tecnu that firefighters use when they have to go in the woods. It works really good. Go to longs or wherever, And its only able to spread to other people if you hav'nt washed off the oils. (if they catch it).Once you have the rash you cant spread it. Like if someone rubbed up against you they wont get it.
Reply:I've tried all the "PRODUCTS" out there to dry up poison ivy and the only thing that works better then ANYTHING on the market is an old remedy that my FATHER taught me as a girl.... you take fresh horseradish root and wash it off and put it in the food processor to grind it up to an almost powder---then, put it in a bowl (don't mix this in your processor)... and add Chlorox (yep bleach) and stir it up till it makes a rather THICK paste.... spead this paste onto the poison ivy spots being VERY CAREFUL not to drip any of the stuff on a rug or your clothes ----it will bleach them out, cover this with a light gauze...... put this paste on a couple times during the day and by the next day, it will be almost GONE....takes ALL the itch out almost immediately too.....

children shoes

My ivy plant has small black'dots' on the underside of the leaves.. it looks like it may be some sort of bug?

It can be brushed off and looks and feels a bit like dirt, but it's not! My point is that it's not actually eaten into the leaves, more like on the under surface.The plant isn't dying but doesnt really appear to be thriving either! It just stays the same really, I don't know anything about ivy, could someone tell me what this could be and how to get rid of it? Could i wipe this 'stuff' off the leaves or would I have to treat it in some way?thanks

My ivy plant has small black'dots' on the underside of the leaves.. it looks like it may be some sort of bug?
call and ask your local nursery, they will probably need to look at the plant.
Reply:Try taking a soft cloth and wiping the leaves with some alcohol.

Just do a few and see if there is any bad effect, before doing all.
Reply:If it is a fern type plant the black spots are spores-made by the plant for reproduction purposes-the spots would be approx the same size and are spread in na even pattern.
Reply:spray it with liquid dish soap mixed with water.

Poison Ivy Rash?

How long does it take to recover from the poison ivy rash normally?

Poison Ivy Rash?
Alot depends on how bad you got it and all, however 2 weeks is a good range. Remember to wash everything that you may have come in contact with...including shoes. If the oil from the plant is still around, you can keep re-infecting yourself. Don't itch it, benadryl, claritin or the like will help. Also another Antihistamine may help as well, they are normally for acid reflux, but are used in the ER...called Zantac, etc...these are H2 blockers. Topical cream like Hydrocortisone is good also. Calamine doesnt really do much, but if you like it you can use it. If none of this helps, go to the doctor, you may need a course of steroids to reduce the inflammation. Good Luck!!
Reply:Up to a week.

Poision Ivy?

i had poision ivy on my lips, and when it dryed it's realy starting to agitate me. does ne1 know home remodys tht i can use without going to the store and buying espensive over the counter drugs????

Poision Ivy?
Since pharmacies don't give things away for free, you want to go cheap. Calamine lotion, available OTC and cheap. In the home, you could actually revert to using water and ice for relief. Neither of these will speed up your recovery, just help you through the symptoms.
Reply:calomine lotion or cortizone cream, both are OTC !!! And cheap !!!
Reply:all i can say is maybe put some chapstick on it that is not very strong
Reply:if u ar a drug adic the it will be there on urs lips if u stop drug then it will be ok and u will be poision less.
Reply:ice it down and use calamine lotion but dont lick ur lips while using it lol
Reply:vasiline, baby oil or even olive oil. anything to moisturize them.
Reply:Try Aquaphor ointment, you can find it in any drugstore. You may also want to consult your drugstore pharmacist for his recommendations. Good luck.
Reply:if you rub butter on it is eases the sensation on the lip i highly recommend it
Reply:Pick up some aloe vera gel at a pharmacy. The stuff works really well and is natural, and not at all harsh.
Reply:In the U.S., there are five different types of poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. All the contain exact same substance that causes the blistering, itchy rash most of us get on contact with these plants. It’s called toxicodendrol, a sticky sap in the leaves and branches of the plants. If you’re sensitized (allergic) to this sap (and more than half of us are), the rash breaks out after about 12-72 hours, but only on areas which directly contacted the resin. This is called rhus dermatitis. The rash is usually red, raised, and often blistered at the central most areas. Because people usually brush by the plants, the rash may have a "streaky," linear, or patchy pattern, unlike stings which are usually single and round.

The rash spreads only by spread of the invisible sap on the skin, not by leaking blister fluid from the rash itself. That blister fluid is a product of your own body, and contains no poison ivy sap. The reason the rash often continues to break out in new areas beyond 72 hours is that people unknowingly continue to contact it --- from unwashed clothes (especially shoes and laces), sporting or gardening equipment, pets, etc. Anything that comes in contact with the plant can carry active sap for months! The sap is so potent, you can pass it from object to object a dozen times just by light contact, and the last object can still cause an intense rash. People leave an invisible "trail" of toxicodendrol where they sit, touch, sleep or bathe. They end up re-exposing themselves over a period of weeks. So don’t worry about your oozing blisters being contagious --- just start washing everything you may have touched!

Avoiding contact with the plant is the most important preventive measure. The site map below will help you recognize the different types of poison ivy/oak/sumac in your geographic area. If you’ve already come in contact with one of these, start washing everything --- soap, detergents and rubbing alcohol are all effective. This dramatically reduces the spread to yourself and others. In fact, if you wash with soap and water within 15 minutes after contact, you may not even get a rash.

Once you have the rash, it lasts 1-4 weeks. Treatment is directed at the intense itching, and shrinking your rash. Treating the itching is especially important, since scratching can lead to skin infection. Be sure to clip your kids’ fingernails short!

For Itching:

Antihistamines are available as topical (cream, lotion, or spray) or oral. The oral forms are probably more effective but can cause drowsiness. Topical antihistamines are less effective and can cause a rash of their own in some people.

Drying agents like calamine or other lotions are very soothing and speed healing of the rash.

Menthol, benzocaine, and pramoxine are topical anesthetics to "numb" your itchy rash. They work well, but you have to apply them often.

Cools soaks in baking soda, commercial oatmeal or colloidal baths for 15-30 minutes can relieve itching for several hours at a time.

For Rash:

Hydrocortisone creams or sprays reduce the inflammation, swelling, and itching of poison ivy rashes. They should be used four times a day for best effect.

Lotions containing calamine, zinc acetate, and alcohol dry the blistered rash quickly and can speed healing.

There are some lotions that have been shown to be effective barriers to toxicodendrol (see Recommended Products section). If applied frequently, they can prevent the typical skin rash even with heavy contact --- but washing after contact is still important.

Sumactin is extremely effective against poison ivy, oak and sumac. This all natural treatment quickly relieves the itching, irritation and inflammation. Other treatments include:

Cortaid (hydrocortisone 1% cream). OTC hydrocortisone preparations like this brand work against both the itching and inflammation of allergic-type rashes such as those caused by poisonous plants discussed above. They are slower acting, but have a prolonged effect compared to surface anesthetics like Dermoplast.

Caladryl (pramoxine and calamine in suspension). Pramoxine is the topical anti-itching agent in this medication, while the calamine acts a drying agent which tends to promote crusting and flaking of the blistered skin of rhus dermatitis as discussed above. Many believe this drying effect hastens recovery.

Aveeno Oatmeal Bath (colloidal oatmeal). The exact mode of action of colloidal oatmeal is unknown, but it is proven to relieve itching for up to several hours. It leaves a rather slippery, smooth texture to the skin, in contrast to the dry, rough texture after calamine applications.

Benadryl (pramoxine 25 mg). This brand of anti-histamine is particularly effective for uncontrollable itching in the evening and during sleep, when its drowsiness side-effect combines with its primary anti-itching properties to give much more restful nights.

Far more powerful agents are available by prescription for the rash and itching of poison ivy. Here are some good reasons to seek care from a physician:

Facial or genital involvement. The skin in these areas is easily damaged and scarred, and swelling from rhus dermatitis can be dramatic.

Involvement of large areas of skin. Ten percent of the body’s surface, or about the size of the entire front abdomen, is too large to self-treat.

Signs of infection. These include pain and tenderness, growing redness around the rash, or pus. Clear or slightly yellow transparent fluid is common from poison ivy blisters and is not a sign of infection.

Extreme itching. Itching which disturbs sleep or normal daily activities despite using OTC treatments should be treated by a physician.
Reply:no, try going to the doctor to get a cortizone shot.

i've also heard oatmeal works but, when i tried it, it didn't work for me.
Reply:i cant think of any drugs wright now, but just go to your pharmist in town and tell them your promblem or ask a friend to go if dont want to get out of the house. i garrentee they will give you the drug you need. I did that and they gave me the wright drug and i was better in know time.

good luck

ps take my advice.

Poison Ivy ???? PLEASE HELP?

Are there any home remdies for poison ivy/oak/sumac/???

I really need help, I have it on my neck, legs and arms please respond ASAP!!!! With descriptive answers!!!

Poison Ivy ???? PLEASE HELP?
The only thing you can do is:

1-Wash the area thoroughly with soapy water. This removes the oils which are causing the reaction, and prevents further spread of it.

2-apply a topical antihistimine (anti-itch) cream/ointment... use the 2% cream, it's twice as effective as the 1% cream. This eases the external itching.

3-start taking an antihistimine orally (Benedryl, etc). This will help ease the allergic reaction internally.

These other "home remedies" are folklore.
Reply:This is going to sting like hell, but it works. Stand naked in the bathtub or shower and pour bleach on the effected areas. As I said, you'll cuss up a storm, but it will in fact kill it.
Reply:Yes I do my daughter use to get poison ivy bad. we would make a paste of corn starch and vinegar and spread in on like Calamine lotion(the pink stuff.) I will dry like the pink stuff and releave the itching. You will also have to do Benadryl and antihistamine to control the itching. Keep your bedding and clothes clean as this spreads for easy.

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Reply:rubbing alcohol it burns bad but drys the oil up good,. worked for my hubby in the past
Reply:Its not a home remedy, but a purchased one, but I swear by a product called Technu. Available at most major drug stores.
Reply:A good medium-term recipe from my hillbilly relatives is to take the bark from a wild cherry tree, boil it up, and make it into a tea.

It tastes horrible, no matter how much sugar you put in it... But you know what? I used to get poison ivy so bad it swelled my eyes shut, but after drinking this horrid concoction for about a week and a half, I never got poison ivy again!

baby shoes

Will ivy grow underwater?

will ivy grow underwater?

Will ivy grow underwater?
I'm not certain I understand your question - but, the short answer is No. Ivy is a terrestrial plant - and not an aquatic. It can take *some* water and is rather hardy - but, it will not grow under water.

Chris "glass is half full" C
Reply:no it wont grow under water,it will only get midewy and die.if you want an ivy to put under water ,the best thing to do is buy a fake one.
Reply:Not the entire plant but you can root it by putting the stem ends in water %26amp; after rooting plant in a pot.

Any ivy league accepted people?

people who were accepted into any ivy league or top 25 colleges, tell me what sort of credentials are important to have or just summarize yours please

Any ivy league accepted people?
Got into Harvard, went to Cornell. I was active in the community- did community service and taught little kids in the summer; active in my school, president of Nat'l Honor society, on student council. Captain of the Track and Cross country teams (All state in cross country), lettered in both four years running. Sang in a choir extracurricularly, babysat as an after-school job (and provided a reference from this). 3.98GPA, 1490SAT , 34ACT. I had friends turned down with higher GPA's and SAT scores- this was because they did nothing extracurricularly, or their skills were focused in one area only-- all science, all athletics, all arts, etc... I was able to show arts, science, community service, work experience, and athletics, which helped a lot. Interviews are not always required, but they can help a lot!

Hope this helps!!!
Reply:I was accepted to 8 ivies. They looked at grades, extra-curricular activites (sports, drama, band, vocal), and community service. And the essay. And your test scores, whether SAT or ACT. However, I wrote a lousy essay, didn't do a lot of community service and I still got into an ivy.
Reply:I did not go to an Ivy, but I went to the University of Chicago which is in the top 25.

They cared about grades, test scores, extracurricular activities (not only did they want to see variety but also the fact I stuck with an activity that I cared about. I was very active in theater), types of classes I took (4 years math, English, Science, history, 3 years foreign language, art courses, etc), strength of classes (how many were AP or honors), work history (both for pay and volunteer, essays (how well did I write and reasons for wanting to go to their school), and interview (was I articulate).
Reply:If you really favour get a degree from a top 25/ivy league school think about going two years elsewear maybe a small local two year college if you miss the first time around. Out of high school I failed to get into most school however after two year I was able to get into UBC on a transfer. While it is not ivy league or 25 top (we're Canadain we are however canadain ivy) my program is valued higher then a number of ivy league school futher even if your coming from the state most Canadain school will be cost less. An America at UBC will on average pay less the one going to a state school the point being that pick a school upon wich program out want and don't rule anything out.

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Posion ivy?

I have posion ivy, oak, or sumac.... I can't really tell which one. I have red rashes on my arms and face that itch like crazy. I did some research but I still cant figure out how do you know if the urishol oil is still in your rash that way if it's not and I just have rashes with no oil then can I scratch and not spread it. Also, how long will the rash last? Please help........

Posion ivy?
well first you should treat it by soaking in an oatmeal bath and if it doesnt start clearing up within a week go to the doctor so they can give you a shot of epinepherin to clear it brother is allergic too
Reply:Just try not to scratch all together. Try taking some Benadrly to help with the itching. This will also make you sleepy. It will heal faster the less you scratch at it.
Reply:My youngest (17) just got over a mile case. If the rash is oozing or has a king of clear tan scab, you are still contagious. If you are really careful, shower with cool water, clip fingernails short, even wearing socks on your hands at night, it generally lasts 7-10 days. My older son (19) has had it so bad he spent a week in the hospital on steroids - it ended up in his lungs and esophagus. Both boys swear by a product called Tecnu (WalMart carries it). This can be used before exposure as well as after.

Good luck.
Reply:my brother had to get steroid shots because of poison simac.His lasted several weeks and has left spots on his arms

Rampant Ivy plant !?

I have an ivy plant which has spread quite a lot %26amp; bonded itself to a wall %26amp; fence %26amp; possibly caused damage to the brickwork on my conservatory base. I have now cut it off at ground level but I need to make sure that it doesnt come back again next spring. I've tried to dig it out but thats a lost cause...... any ideas on what will kill it off ( NOT too toxic..... I've got a cat %26amp; dog and theres quite a few in the area)

Rampant Ivy plant !?
I had a similar problem. I cut the plant off at ground level. This was enough. The plant was dead, and didn't grow back.

You should be OK.
Reply:According to a friend of mine who is a horticulturalist, Round Up will kill anything green. The problem you face with this is that it needs to be applied to the leaves of a plant.

I'd just rip out as much as you can and spray what ever comes back up.
Reply:Pour boiling water at the plant base. It will be absorbed into the plant system and kill it.

Poison ivy treatment??????

I just got poison ivy all over my face. I need something that can dry it out and not cause much damage to my face.

Thanks for the help!

Poison ivy treatment??????
If it is bad or near your eyes or mouth you should get a shot from a doctor which will help a lot. You can take Benadryl to reduce the allergic reaction and use over the counter creams with cortisone. There are some specially formulated with anti itch additions for poison ivy, Ask your druggist which one works best.
Reply:Calomine lotion. See adoctor if it gets worse and try not to scratch it. Lanacaine might help for the itch. Important not to scratch.
Reply:Maximum strength Cortizone 10. the creme w/aloe, not ointment.

Poison Ivy?

I have poison ivy all over my leg and have to go to work later totay. The only problem is that i have to wear pants which will iritate the rash. Any ideas on how to prevent this?

Poison Ivy?
cut off your leg
Reply:On your way to work stop into a local drug store and buy TechNu. Once you're at work, slip into the bathroom and put the lotion on your legs. It won't stop irritation, but it will greatly reduce it. I've very allergic to poison ivy and I think this is the best stuff around. p.s. don't scratch!


Poison Ivy??

What will stop the poison Ivy itching, with out seeing a doctor?

Poison Ivy??
calamine lotion and/or oatmeal soap baths
Reply:Your gonna need an ocean of calomine lotion.
Reply:Jewelweed. If you live in the Eastern United States or Canada you should be able to find it easily in shady damp places. There is information on how to prepare this on my web site.
Reply:The Pink Calamine Lotion in some cases even Aloe Vera
Reply:sumactin , look for it on line. in the meantime turn you blow dryer on and go back and forth with the heat . don't burn yourself though. feels wonderful and will give you relief for hours
Reply:See if you can find anyone who handles a product called .. "So Help me Hanna"... works very well.. Most effective meds ever run into.. Is something made available to forest rangers.
Reply:Oatmeal does work really really well actually. You can bathe in regualar oatmeal (i sugeest unflavored, dont cook it) It does not have to be thick, but put quite a bit in the tub water. You can also make a thin oatmeal paste in a bowl and apply it directly to the area then let it dry, it wont stay on but will releave the itch. Watch TV covered in oatmeal lol.

Poison Ivy Costume?

So Im going as poison ivy (from batman), and I need some suggestions. I have a long red wig but how should I do my makeup? This is an excuse to do funky things, Im thinking vines around the eyes.

Any ideas on creative eye makeup? Or any way that I can copy the makeup Uma Thurman wore in the movie?

Thank you!

Poison Ivy Costume?
copy cat.

think something like this

maybe you can use some like..tissue paper? place it around the eyes the same way uma had in the movie?

or it doesnt have to be 3D. use face paint or just makeup to draw something that looks like that.

and add something green in the hair.
Reply:No i dont

Friday, January 27, 2012

Poison ivy help?

can the tent, sleeping bags and tennis shoes be rid of poison ivy and if so how?

Poison ivy help?
Have you ever heard of OdoBan? It is the best thing I have ever used. It kills most germs and allergens. I buy it at Sams. Comes in a gallon jug and you dilute it to refill the spray bottle that comes with it. Very pleasant smelling. Try it. You will be glad you did.
Reply:well try washing them. hand wash them with gloves on your hands
Reply:every time you touch these things you will be exposed to poison ivy. If they are not terribly expensive, use rubber gloves and throw it alll away, gloves and all!

Putting these things in your washer will just expose your home to the oil.

Reply:I myself would try washing it in Dawn dish detergent. It will strip the oils from the fabrics nicely since it works well on grease spots as well. If you get it on your skin and know you have touched it, find a weed called the jewel weed. It always grows close to patches of poison ivy. Break the stems and rub the juices on the part of the body the ivy touched. It works wonders, a natural remedy for most.
Reply:Oh. I think it might take fire.

I did read one time that vodka fights poison ivy, but that was on skin. You might try washing with vodka, but you risk the chance of catching the dreaded itches. Also, washing with vodka could be very expensive. I think I would burn it all and start anew.
Reply:No...give them to me; I'm not allergic to poison ivy.

Poison ivy!?

its startd out not bad.. but then i started putting ivarest on it.. it stops the itching but football season just started and im alwasy sweating so the ivy doesnt stay dry for long..any suggestions?

Poison ivy!?
My mom SWEARS by that aloe-vera gel for sunburns. Make sure you get the stuff with LIDOCAINE in it. All I can figure is the alcohol content is high enough to dry up the poison ivy, and the lidocaine numbs it enough to make it quit itching. She gets poison ivy every single year, and we could never get rid of it without taking her in for Decadron shots and dosing her on Benadryl for days. This clears it up wthin a few days...Now she won't use anything but the aloe gel! She's got her sister using it too!

Reply:Yes, you should go to a skin doctor...or use calamine lotion.
Reply:the best thing to do is not just play football until it the poison ivy gets better

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I work at an animal hospital and I keep getting posion ivy! Help..?

I used to get poison ivy from my cats at home because they would run through patches of poison ivy in my yard and neighborhood. I have since moved and have been fine because I haven't had any exposure to poison ivy. However, I've been working as a Vet Tech at a local animal hospital since November (of 2007) and through the winter have had no problems with posion ivy. But now that the weather is warming up, I have two poison ivy rashes on my arms. What can I do to avoid getting poison ivy at work without changing jobs?

I work at an animal hospital and I keep getting posion ivy! Help..?
Wearing long sleeves, while at work, should help. The oil from the poison ivy is on the animals coat and it is rubbing off on you. Be sure to wash your clothes in hot, soapy water each time you wear them, to be sure the oil is off.

Will ivy grow in cold, dry climates (zone 8 for all you gardeners)?

I want to put down a good, hardy ground cover around a group of trees in my yard. I have seen ivy used for this purpose in magazines and know that it can be very attractive. Will it grow in colder climates though?

Will ivy grow in cold, dry climates (zone 8 for all you gardeners)?
Here's a link for some ground covers which are reputed to grow in Zone 4.

I have seen Hedera helix (English ivy) listed for USDA Zone 4 or 5, you takes your pick. Where it grows it can become invasive, so be aware of that. Vinca minor also looks very nice and has pretty blue flowers in the spring. I find it does best if I don't remove the autumn leaves. It can be a bit invasive, too.

What is available at your local nurseries? What are other people in your area growing? That is the best way to find something which will do well for you.
Reply:I'm from uk and have noticed some people talk about english ivy.I can tell you about that - Latin is Hedera helix ,if we are talking about the same thing.It is very hardy and will grow in freezing temperatures no problem.

If you have something over there called ivy that is not hedera helix then I can't answer!!!!!!!!!!

If it is different, then maybe someone can give the latin too, when they answer, just so I know :-)
Reply:Zone 8 is usually a warm climate and this is good for ivy. Call your local County Extension Service/Agent to find out what type of ivy does best in your area. Don't be shy in calling them, your taxes pay for this service.

Poisen ivy Question. Help!?

I have had poisen ivy sence Last Friday and i just got meds for it three days ago it is prendison. it has still benn spreading for those three days. it is half way down my leg and all most all the way up past my nee and all around. Every time i scratch it turns red and looks like a bunch of moskito welps. We found the 4 vines. i like the vine because i have been out of school for the past 4 days. it is my friend now.

Poisen ivy Question. Help!?
Poison ivy doesn't spread. It actually appears at different times on different parts of the body. The hands will show before the leg, because the thickness of the skin. Scratching doesn't spread the rash. But I would try to avoid scratching because it will only make it more itchy and you can get an infection. It is not contagious. Once the urishol oil(this is the stuff that causes the rash) is washed, there is no risk. You just have to wait it out. It can be so unbearable. I know this because I just got over a bad case myself. I toughed it out.

Some things you can do to help to itch is to take benedryl, warm salt baths, use blow dryer on areas on the high heat setting(this actually does help the itch). Tough it out and good luck!

Poison ivy help?

I've had poison ivy for three weeks. I finally had a doctor put me on prednisone but she only gave me three days. I thought it was starting to dry up a little but now it seems back in full force. Did she not put me on long enough? Is there anything else that can help me? I can't sleep and I'm soon going to go off the deep end.

Poison ivy help?
well she clearly didn't give you enough to cure it all up. duh. just call the clinic and ask them what to use. or go to the store and get some calamine lotion. use it till it's all gone. it's in a pink bottle. but they also have a clear kind as well. so you dont have to walk around with this pink crap all over you lol
Reply:Prednisone will definitely work but is unsafe to take for long durations. You might also want to try some antihistamines, both topical and oral. A topical antihistamine would be something like Caladryl which would be soothing and offer temporary relief. You can also take Benadryl, Claritin, or Zyrtec as they will help you from the inside out and ought to alleviate some if not all of the itching. For poison ivy, make sure you wash your clothes thoroughly as you can reinvigorate your itch for up to 2 weeks if you don't wash your clothes.
Reply:Here are some homemade remedies

Oatmeal - Simply boil up the oatmeal in water as you normally would. Let it cool for a few minutes, then apply warm to the effected area, Ideally, the mixture should be applied until a thick layer forms. It will harden as it dries. Most sufferers swear by this treatment, which is sometimes combined with a tablespoon or two of baking soda for extra relief from itch and oozing.

Baking soda - This treatment has also become a classic homemade cure, made by mixing 3 teaspoons of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of water until a thick paste forms. Apply to the rash and let dry. Another tried-and-true method for many poison ivy sufferers is full immersion in a soothing baking soda bath.

Vinegar - Just sprinkle liberally on rash or blisters for instant relief from itch.

Although the smell may not be to everybody's liking, vinegar seems to help draw out the "poison" from poison ivy while it also helps healing. White distilled vinegar, or apple cider vinegar, seem to work best.

Banana peel - Touted by many as a homemade "miracle cure", the inside of a banana peel rubbed on poison ivy rashes seems to bring instant, cooling relief.

By some accounts, banana skins may even do the trick when all other poison ivy treatment fails.

Aloe Vera gel - A logical alternative, aloe vera is known to heal minor skin cuts and bring relief from sunburn, so apply liberally to effected areas to help sooth the itch and aid in healing.

Dishwashing liquid - Perhaps the most practical treatment of all, dishwashing liquid's anti-grease agents make it a common-sense remedy for poison ivy when applied liberally from the bottle at full strength. Simply wash off with cool water.

Leave the rash open to air. That will help it heal.

u can use dis link. good luck:)
Reply:Hey, I had poison ivy recently and what i did to speed up the drying and stop the itch was 1. Putting Cortaid on it 3 times a day. 2. Put a Gauze pad over it and secure the area with medical tape. You never want to leave it hanging out there in the open because you can accidentally touch it and it will spread severely. Okay, I hope this helped!

Reply:I'd call her and ask. Maybe she thought it would clear up in 3 days. Just call her. You can also use that pink stuff. I forget what the name of it is. You know, that stuff that looks kindof chalky when you put it on your skin? Sorry 'bout not remembering the name. It does sooth it. And take benadryl too. That might help some.
Reply:Definitely call the doctor again, but if you need relief right now, before you can get to the doctor, and you happen to have a clay beauty mask, use that on the poison ivy. It will help to dry up the poisonous oils in your rash.
Reply:do what i do, go to a sink and dump bleach on it, yes bleach, it will burn like hell, but gets rid of it so quick, let the bleach sit for a minute or soi, than flush with warm water, repeat if need be
Reply:Maybe you have been misdiagnosed. I was once diagnosed and treated for poison ivy but when it didn't clear up was rediagnosed with excema. Once treated properly, the horrible rash cleared up.
Reply:Call your doc back. He may give you more prednisone or something else that can help you. If it's too late and you need help now, try Benadryl
Reply:I was afflicted with it last year for the first time in my life and what worked for me was "Ivarest" an otc topical cream.
Reply:go to doctor immediately...

take care
Reply:GO 2 A DOCTOR NOW!!!


Reply:sorry, but all the advice I can give you is to put benadryl on it and don't scratch it at all.
Reply:Get back in touch with the doctor, let her know what's going on. I'm sure she'll be glad to help out.
Reply:god i hate poison ivy...a bath with oatmeal helps alot
Reply:to easy it put baking soda on it HELPS I PROMISE!


Poisin Ivy, sumac, oak?

Dose anyone know a good remedy for poison ivy, Suamc or oak?

Thank you in advance

Poisin Ivy, sumac, oak?

As for susceptibility to PI, you may not know that spring honey in the areas where it grows is usually loaded with PI pollen. I believe that regular use of raw, local, spring honey has rendered me immune to the effects of the sap. I worked in apple orchards for many years, with frequent, almost constant problems with poison ivy. When I began keeping bees and eating honey every day, I no longer was affected by poison ivy. It has been many years since I've had any reaction at all, though I sometimes walk right thru the stuff.

-- Dave Green ( submitted May/1/2000 The Pollination Home Page


Baking Soda

If you take a bath in room temperature water mixed with 1/2 cup of baking soda it can releive the itching. The baking soda is like oatmeal bath that you would find at the drug store however the baking soda is cheaper and everyone has it in their house. However, if you use normal temperature bath water the itching will not stop at all. This method is on the back of many baking soda boxes that you can find at your super market

-- Chris Whitehead ( submitted May/31/2000

I realized that if you take a bath w/ 1/2 cup baking soda and you put your poison ivy rashes under the facuet and start off with warn water and then slowly bring it upto a point where you can least stand it will out burning you it will simulate 20-25 minutes of scratching without breaking the skin or causing o ozing it also causes the urishiol to somewhat release from the cell and wash out a day or so later the rash starts clearing up

-- Dan ( submitted 10/Sep/2000

It doesn't last very long, but put a paste made out of baking soda and water on it. I've been told that as the baking soda dries, it pulls out the toxins, same for bee/wasp/etc. stingers too (mud will work for stingers too) submitted 16/Jul/2001

Well, My husband got poison oak 2 days ago and since I'm 6m pregnet, I was worried about getting it. Then I had him try a oatmeal %26amp; baking soda pack that I fixed up in about 5 mins. I just took oatmeal and baking soda and blended them up w/ hot water. It needs to be thick. Let it dry all the way, then wash off by taking a hot shower. It seems to have worked wonders. =)

--"Sarah" (no email provided) submitted 13/Apr/2002

I get poison ivy every year from loving on my cats, either on my wrists or my neck. Normally, I use the rubbing alcohol method %26amp; Rhuli-gel. This year has been the worst I've ever had. I bought the wrong spray, Calamine, which relieves the itch only temporary %26amp; doesn't help in the long run. I finally took a Benadryl pill overnight, %26amp; seemed to be better the next day. Hot water always helps temporarily. But after reading through this site, I tried a baking soda paste %26amp; had such wonderful relief. After about 20 min, it began to flake off. So I sprayed it off with scalding hot water. The rash actually looks better already. You can bet the 1st thing I'll do tomorrow morning is make a baking soda paste again.

--"Cindy chapman" ( submitted 15/Aug/2002

Hello, I am Shawn I am 15 years old and I have gotten Poison Ivy twice in my live and I have figured out a way to get rid of it fast. What you do is you mix baking soda with vinegar which reacts and then makes a paste. Than take a wash cloth and scrub the paste as hard as you can on there, it will hurt!!!, But I will also solve it fast Thank you Shawn submitted 13/Jun/2003

hey shawn thanks. the vinigar and baking soda paste works good. i used it and within minutes the itch was gone. i would recommend this to anyone. it doesn't hurt much but u will most likely bleed from scrubbing hard just make sure you srub as hard as you can.

--"mark" submitted 22/Jul/2003


Oatmeal Paste

The best thing I have found for poison ivy is very warm to hot oatmeal. Cook it a little thicker than you would for eating(you don't want it running all over). Spread the oatmeal with a rubber spatula(like for spreading cake icing). The heat from the oatmeal really helps, the oatmeal is gritty and itches the rash for you, and as the oatmeal cools off it drys out the skin and affected area better than any other product I have tried. It feels likes cement drying aroung your arm. The only downsides I have seen to this is that your spouse WILL laugh at you as your pasting oatmeal to yourself in the kitchen, and this is probably something you wouldn't want to do at work. BE SURE THE OATMEAL IS NOT TOO HOT FOR YOUR SKIN, it is best that it is warm to hot, but you do not want to burn yourself either.

-- Jason ( Nov/17/1999

My husband and I were cleaning out my mother's yard and she kept telli ng me to be careful because there was poison ivy there. I, of course, knew it w ouldn't bother me. Wrong! It started small and spread like a demon. I tried a lot of different things, but since we were at the beach, I found that dunking m yself in the ocean and then baking in the sun worked great. I didn't itch the w hole time I was on the beach. I also tried an oatmeal bath followed by Caladryl Lotion and a Benadryl chaser. I don't know whether the rash was just ready to go away or one of these three worked a miracle, but the next day it was consider ably improved. Poison Ivy is truly the work of the devil!!

-- Barb Boylan ( submitted 12/Sep/2000

I once again suffer from poison oak, and I thought that I would share something that seems to help. I have used Desitin diaper rash ointment (the stuff that you put on babies' bottoms) for the last few years and it seems to work as well as the Benadryl cream and is a somewhat cheaper and widely available. With an oatmeal bath and a coating of Desitin, I can get relief for several hours. Good Luck to you All!

-- Marina Morrow ( submitted 7/Nov/2000

I have found that mixing one pack instant oatmeal with a tablespoon of baking soda with near hot water, spreading it on the affected area and wrapping it in Saran wrap works best. It soothes the itch, clears the rash and the saran wrap keeps the paste from getting all over the place as well as keeping that soothing warmth going a little longer.

--"Christine Furtado" ( submitted 7/Jul/2003

I've had poison ivy so badly that at one time I was hospitalized (after walking through smoke when a neighbor burned some with leaves). At the time, Ivytox was on the market and it worked miracles. In later years, I've made a paste of oatmeal and water and plastered myself with it, wrapping gauze to keep down the mess it makes when drying. This really relieves the itching and dries it up beautifully. If the gauze sticks to the skin and/or blisters that have run, get in the shower and let it soak off then wash off with brown soap, or soak in a tub with Aveeno oatmeal.

--"Merit Heart %26amp; Allyana Ziolko" ( submitted 05/Aug/2003



Plain o'l white vinegar, worked for me just fine. It will sting a bit, the itch was gone in minutes. Re-apply as the itch reappears until its gone, usually in a few days.

-- J.R. ( submitted Apr/1/2000

A friend's grandmother eliminated the simptoms of poison ivy using warm vinagar on the blisters. I have tried this and many other remedies, including the over-the-counter products and found that a combination of warm vinagar compresses, three to four times a day, and an application of caladril (not sure of the spelling) lotion at night have been the most effective. system, or just the acid in it. But it work's. Passed down from 3 generations.

-- Gary Christopher ( submitted 26/Jun/2001

I have found that applying White Distilled Vinegar to the affected area(s) several times daily will relieve the itching as well as dry it up. Additional tips - Mosquito Bites: rub the juice of a cut onion on it and it will stop the itching and disappear within an hour. Insect Bites: make a paste from white distilled vinegar and meat tenderizer and apply to the affected area. submitted 26/Sep/2002

It sounds goofy, but when I was a kid we were told to rub vinegar and salt on the poison ivy on your arm or leg. It hurt but once it took effect it cooled down the itching.

--"Vince G" ( submitted 16/Jun/2003

Hey I was just searching for new ways to get rid of my poison ivy faster. I mixed red and white vinegar and dumped it all over it and that healed it last time. Bleach does make it go away just not right away, also for my pool we use chlorine tablets (size of a hockey puck) and I got them wet and rubbed it on the ivy and let sit for 2-5 mins and that helped a little.

--"Todd" ( submitted 26/July/2003


Banana Peel

Try the inside of a banana peel, this usually helps a bit more if the sores have been broken, but it drys up the ivy's effects rather quickly with continuous use and if the sores are kept clean. Just peel a banana and smear the inside of the peel on the affected area, and bingo, then repeat about 2 to 3 times a day.

--"D. R. Pinson" ( submitted 13/Jul/2000

To get relief from the itch, rub the inside of a banana skin on it, and it works, I got that from Foxfire book.

--Edgar Brindle ( submitted 14/May/2001

I have been a leader of Girl Scouts for 23 years and know what poison looks like and what the rash looks like when you get it. I have not had it for many years and recently got a very itchy rash on the inside of my thighs. I was not in the woods or around any plants but my dog rub

There are no instant treatments, but there are ways to improve the symptoms. This website tells alot of them

Reply:Ocean Water-I have heard helps dry out the rash. Other then that I would go get some calamine lotion or cortisone cream to help with the itching.

Poison ivy/oak?

what is the fastest way to get rid of poison ivy/oak i have it all over my arm and leg

Poison ivy/oak?
I'd say to probably not itch it and for the rest ask your doctor. They probably have some medication for it. Maybe put calamine lotion on it to stop the itching
Reply:You can go to the doctor for posion ivy and they can give you like anti-ich cream so it will stop itching. Or just go to the store and get some. Almost any anti-itch cream will help you not ti itch, But if you touch it at all you will spread it. Casue It gives off an oil. So what ever you do don't touch it. If you do wash your hands after. I hate poison ivy! grrr. hahah.

Poison Ivy??

ok so yeah, I think I have poison ivy.. its like 3 bumps that are in a straight line on my leg.. and it itches, when I itch it, it burns.

Problem is.. I didnt know that I was even in contact with it, so I didnt take a shower after it; I usually take a shower every other day, so its been about 24 hours that Ive had contact with the poison.. and since I wear contacts, ive touched my eyes. Is it something big to worry about?

Poison Ivy??
If it is poison ivy it will look like a tiny blister.( each bump) When scratched the liquid inside will spread and create more bumps. Just keep your hands very clean and try some calamin lotion.
Reply:First off I wouldnt be itching it. Second off try like retracing yousteps and remember any possible contact you have had with plants at all.
Reply:If you havent been in contact with poison ivy then its probably (a) mosquito bite(s).